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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query jesuits. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Was Jesus A Flavian Dynasty Propaganda Invention?

I've posted interviews with Joe Atwill before over here. He asks a great question. In an area where Qumran, Jericho and Jerusalem are a stone's throw from each other in 'shoebox sized' Judea how did the Christian story emerge with two conflicting narratives? One from the Dead Sea Scrolls talks about killing the gentiles and the other talks about turning the other cheek and rendering unto Caesar that which is his.

They also cover Aramaic scholar John Allegro's mushroom and the cross which I've posted about previously, and I recommend reading my Was Jesus An Arsehole Zadokite? and this Dead Sea Scrolls post.

There are so many conflicting accounts of Jesus that I just a pick a couple of lines here and there like, love thy neighbour, and hope they're the right ones to keep and are not elite manipulation of the kindness of humans. Religion has after all been their most powerful tool to get us killing each other. Their latest religious cult is called Government and a lot of people are hooked on it.

Here's the details from Jan Irving's post:

This episode is an interview with Joe Atwill, author of Caesar’s Messiah, part 2, titled “On Caesar’s Messiah, John Allegro, and mind control” and is being released on Monday, August 06, 2012. My interview with Joe was recorded on June 09, 2012.

This is our first video episode, so if you’re getting this in audio only, please go to the Gnostic Media website if you’d like to see the video version.

We had Joe on back on April 1, and today he’s back.

Joseph Atwill spent his youth in Japan where he attended the only English-speaking school in the country, St. Mary’s Military Academy. The school was run by Jesuits so removed from the events of the modern world that they did not even consider shutting it down during World War II, and taught a curriculum that had not changed since the eighteenth century. Atwill describes that, “The majority of every one of my school days was spent studying Greek, Latin and the Bible, which for some reason I found fascinating.”

After studying computer science in college, Atwill began working with one of the most renowned programmers in the world, David Ferguson. David had been granted the first two patents ever issued in computer software. Over the next twenty years, between 1975 and 1995, David Ferguson and Atwill started a series of companies including Ferguson Tool Company and ASNA. “After selling my interests in our companies to investors in 1995, I returned to my earlier interest; the origins of Christianity,” Atwill says of this time period.

Atwill continues, “Though I had drifted away from the Catholic faith, my study of Christianity never stopped. Over the course of my life I had read perhaps six or seven hundred books relating to the historical Jesus and early Christianity, but none of them left me feeling like I really knew anything about how the religion began or its founder.” Atwill contends that the more he studied Christian origins the more he saw the question of how the religion began as an open one. Atwill held this position in spite of the fact that in the popular mind, and in the minds of most scholars, Christianity began as a movement of lower class followers of a radical Jewish teacher in the 1st century CE.

Says Atwill, “I did not share in this certainty.” What contributed most to his skepticism was that at the exact time the followers of Jesus were purportedly organizing themselves into a religion that urged its members to “turn the other cheek” and to “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s”, another Judean sect was waging a religious war against the Romans and seeking a Messiah who would lead them militarily. Atwill continues, “It seemed implausible to me that two diametrically opposite forms of messianic Judaism would have emerged from Judea at the same time. So the Dead Sea Scrolls became of such interest to me that I began what turned into a decade-long study of them.” Like others, Atwill was hoping to learn something of Christian origins in the 2,000 year old documents found at Qumran. To assist in his understanding of them, Atwill began studying the history of the era.

It was then that Joseph Atwill came across the key that led to his discoveries. “While reading Josephus’ War of the Jews, and his account of Titus’ destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE,” Atwill recounts, “I noticed some curious parallels. At first I could make no sense of the parallels between Titus’ campaign and Jesus’ ministry. So I tried to look at the Gospels with fresh eyes, as if I had never seen them before, giving up any preconceived notions about what they meant.” This perspective resulted in the discoveries Atwill presents in Caesar’s Messiah and his soon-to-be-published book, The Single Strand. A Roman imperial family, the Flavians, had created Christianity, and, even more incredibly, they had placed a literary satire within the Gospels and War of the Jews to inform posterity of this fact.

Understanding the symbolic framework for the Gospels opened up the hidden history of Western Civilization to Joseph Atwill. That framework enabled him to recognize the typology that underlies authors such as Marlowe and Shakespeare and see the incredible story their typology tells us, and is the basis for The Single Strand.

Joseph Atwill concludes, “I am an avid chess player and proud to state that I have more than 100 victories over Grandmasters and International Masters. I hold an ICC Masters rating of 2358.” It is this form of strategic thinking that enabled Atwill to uncover the strategy behind the Romans’ invention of the Gospels.

Books by Joseph Atwill include Caesar’s Messiah, Ulysses Press 2006, the best selling work of religious history in the US in 2007, and its German translation Das Messias Ratsel, Ulstein 2008, achieving #1 Best Seller status. Atwill’s upcoming book, The Single Strand is also slated to be published by Ulstein. The German Magazine Focus published a cover article of Atwill’s work: Issue #52 December 25, 2008.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Walter Veith, The Jesuits and the Counter Reformation

I've been advised to study Veith and I can assure you he's corroborating my research. Amazing stuff. Hardcore.

Saturday 17 September 2016

Zionist Israeli Censorship of the Internet

I wrote this quite some time back and left it in draft, but it still has utility and is relevant so even though it's a bit rough I will publish it. There's a few good points made and they're still relevant though Posterous is now defunct. In my experience the only researchers worth a damn on the internet call out Zionist power. If someone isn't calling out Zionist Jewish Power while blaming the CIA, Hollywood, The Jesuits or the Vatican or whatever, thy either don't understand the problem or are too scared to state it. Usually it's the latter and this argument can be proven by numbers and simple statistics including probability mathematics so nobody ever argues against it except through childish ad hominem attacks.

Here is a point I want to make to anyone still reading. The internet may not be with us forever. Golden ages aren’t permanent or they wouldn’t be Golden and the Golden Age of the internet is largely  behind us. The future will .extend as long as we choose to collectively decide the materialist money grabbers and control freak feds are fight for it perpetually. The cockroaches aint going away. They are regrouping.

There’s a risk free way to fight back.

Open a fast start free anonymous blog such as tumblr, posterous or UTFG (Use the fucking Google) and I assure you that even if you have zero readers (Yes I said Zero) the data sniffers at the NSA and all the other parasite alphabet agencies have to factor in your criticism and dissatisfaction when formulating strategy. Their algorhithms weigh content and traffic but are unable to measure the future. Once it’s posted it exists.

These control freaks and peddlers of lies secrets and pain are getting very sloppy as they begin to panic. Decisions are rushed and even the flock don’t buy it every time like in the past. This is how it works when controllers start to lose the narrative.

Free speech on the net is under massive institutional attack and the first battle was won but did you know we lost the second one within 24 hours? RIP Megaupload A pioneer of freedom sharing.

In this golden age of internet free speech and its lowest possible cost, instantaneous global footprint and anonymity is there any remaining reason for not having a story and a few blog posts to share with the grand children or next generation to show integrity?

We are not defined so much by what we withhold as by what we share.

It’s a human trait elites don’t understand so get stuck in and puke your guts up online. The NSA is the morning cleaner. Always have been.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

In Defence of the Illuminati

Censored Image

I've been racking my brains for a bit on how to explain this subject, and finally, I had an idea of integrating my real-life conundrum to aim a spotlight on the subject from I hope, a useful perspective but which no doubt will be a rambling incoherency.

I need to bullet point part one as I'm prone to waffling and time is not unlimited, so here's the thought process in order of priority. Things I wanted to change in my lifetime.
  • Surely Fiat currency, fractional reserve as well as central banking are completely synthetic scams, or hoaxes if you wish, that however hard I try (you can too), I can never work out, quite how they were foisted on humanity? How did this happen without pushback, if not immediately, then subsequently? #Money
  • The conflict (war) machine is retarded. Might isn't right. This is logic. #War
  • Deception is a business model, but not an inspirational one. Is transparency not subterfuge more robust than say casting 9 spe11s and manufacturing the spellbound? #Tricks #Advertising #Illusion
  • Does one need to extract another's energy in order to extend the principle's reserves? Is theft too harsh a word? Why not rape? #Power #Energy
  • Nationalism is retarded. How can we explore the universe while squabbling over domestic resources? #Multiculturalism
  • Gender identity is superfluous. Who cares if the universe is male or female? #Gender
  • National identity is worthless, or at best negligible. #Ethnicity #Identity
  • Doesn't it make sense to subsidize and finance that which will cause great suffering... if allowed to fail? #Socialism

These are all points of thinking arrived at by assuming I now see, misguided good intent that as a young lad and now a half Century later burdens me (and maybe you too) if we look at ourselves in the mirror? 

What is striking is these early subjective social ideals that manifested for me, or are on the verge of manifesting, if we are paying attention is they aren't what I expected. I'm saying the Illuminati seem to have not been unresponsive to your average well-meaning lefty and what I and many others, I'm guessing, wished to see. 

I'm now constantly humiliated as I feel the burden of what once seemed simple obvious solutions but which are in fact, crude, ill-defined and facile answers. Be careful what you wish for.

Anyway to mirror part one: 

The Federal Reserve is on the back foot.
War is already obsolete. Mutually assured destruction still possible but no standing armies will fight for bloodlines again, and they know it.
Trickery or transparency is corpulent with unavoidable responsibility. There's no escape from reality, if you wish.
Conservation of energy isn't disputed. Inputs and outputs are empirical.
Multiculturalism has been weaponized such that identity to our next-door neighbours can now easily be framed as hate(speech).
Gender fluidity too has been weaponized such that identifying as being a woman or a man is now hate speech.
Nationalism has not escaped being weaponized, such that being bred in a country can now be a lower priority than new arrivals from places we bombed with laser-guided precision because the war profiteers subsidize our entertainment.
Why is it the only shared burden that can never take place, are new ideals of shared endeavour aimed at caring not neglecting?

Part II
This is not an exculpatory blog post in favour of the Illumined mafia, it's just a healthy attempt to look at the problem from their side... and then attempt to put it down in words.

Allow me to try, please. Clumsy as that may be.

A lot of people....used-to.... canned-laughter, double over at any mention of the nutjob subject known as the Illuminati.

Even though George Washington warned us in his own handwriting of the threat from this self-propelling trauma-based business model.

And, Natural philosophers (as indeed Faraday was), ditched their mathematics and physics careers to publish in 1797 Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison.

It's enough of a burden, just to manage our mortal lives, but this group..... this very special pioneering.... gang if you will, have assumed responsibilities for planning multi-generational objectives that defy convention.

History is replete with dynasties. This subject is not new. But, this is no ordinary dynastic intersectional collective.

Their track record of maintaining control is (debatably) unbroken. It is this function they outperform all other Secret Societies, Orders, Fraternities or Cosa Nostra on. 

While we think month to month, about mortgage payments or brothel bills.... ... this clique of bloodlines pride themselves on the long game.

Kinda like the Jesuits but tooled-up with a fairly extensive body of research-work, on genetics and mind control.

They are phenomenally successful in the entertaining us to death business, but in a broader sense, it seems they understand the unlimited firepower of social engineering.

Mind Control if you wish.

Culture, perhaps more succinct.

One of the surprising factors about the Illuminati, is they are no hypocrites. 

If obliged to do to their own offspring, what they do to other people's children, they will do it. They impose the same rules on others, that they apply to themselves. Trauma-based mind control is self-evident in Bush Jr for example.

They are ideologically pure, for what it's worth.

It is us who have incoherent explanations for reality, not them.

Are we presented with an unsolvable multi-generational, trauma-narrative rubbed in our faces through the easy peasy to learn (if inclined) language of symbolism?

It's not about the money money money (we don't need your money, money, money).

It's way more interesting than that. 

If you have a strong stomach.