Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Free Dzhokar Zarnaev - #freejahar

I hope this video embed works. If not I'll provide the link for it on HuffPo.

It's very sweet friends of Jahar AKA Dzhokar Zarnaev talking about him. He's just a very nice young man who has been smeared by silly Rolling Stone articles and dumb NYT propaganda. Both of these publications are unable to tell Americans the truth, that the US is a failed state, that creates its own terror to control its population and further empire ambition abroad.

We know Jahar has been framed because apart from the false flag evidence used against him, the FBI stupidly issued a public request for their identity even though the Russians had told the FBI that the older brother had CIA connections and was attending Neconservative funded terror camps in the Caucus region close to Russia.

This is how the CIA and US warmongers destabilize countries.

Monday, 7 October 2013

The Conciousness Awakening With Russell Brand - Interviewer Alex Jones

One of the great things about being plugged into the wider conciousness is listening to people you like and enjoy articulate exactly the same things you believe and feel even though we've never met, we don't follow each other and yet have extraordinarily similar values.

This isn't about blogging only about work related issues, or things that make money. 

This is about talking about what matters

I use this outlet to raise the danger of a lot of dark political issues going on behind the scenes. These are topics that the corporate media whitewash out for the inattentive, but in reality I'm passionate about the things Russell Brand talks about in this remarkable interview, with an incongruous inquisitor of Alex Jones who I have both praised and criticized here.

Please R/T | Here's Your Aid @WilliamJHague @AmbassadorRice @AmbassadorPower @AndersFoghR @AmbassadorRice

These are the animals our Western psychos are funding to smash up Syria. Ultimately they are doing it on behalf of Israel whose stated policy is the breakup of the middle East. They're using these 12th century beheaders fighting it out through the Sunni Shia divide which to me seems mainly Sunni psychos who are Saudi Arabia sponsored jihadists. 

I don't see Hezbollah or Iranians doing this do you?


These psychopath Sunni-Muslim jihdadists will never be seen doing this in Israel because their hatred of Shia Muslims is greater than their hatred of any other religion.

Saudi Arabia, Israel, Qatar, London, Paris and Washington DC are all exploiting this hate backing them to do it with large amounts of money to secure a gas pipeline through Syria that is NATO controlled and not Iranian/Syrian controlled.

These monstrous beheaders are puppets even though they are holding the head in this picture. I'm sick of this game and I see right through it all the way from Tel Aviv and the AIPAC controlled congress through to the Zionist controlled Paris & London media. 

Not to mention Qatar and Saudi. 

It's obscene.