Saturday, 14 July 2012

Breaking The North Korean Mind Control of The USA Media - HBO's The Newsroom

There's a seed of something unusual (and possibly divine) in the USA but its just a seed. It's not yet a sapling nor a tree, because if we really dig into the history of the US it has been raping the non European world and inflicting death, destruction and misery through force of arms and propping up its pampered peoples with a media lie that its prosperity comes from only hard work and innovation. Yes they are part of the story but nowhere near the whole picture.

As the smash hit new HBO series The Newsroom articulates. The first step in solving a problem is recognising there is one.

I put it to you that if you need HBO to tell you that you're never going to realise what the real problem is. Just a hunch. It's a nice scene but it stinks of worthy sentimentality that entertainment or a flickering screen is the way out of this mess. Throw your TV out.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Kennedy On Churchill - He's a Warmonger

Britain's finest WWII historian outlines why Winston Churchill is responsible for the deaths of half a million British and millions more abroad. By any metric Winston Churchill should have been on trial in Nuremberg while the real Nazis were being ushered into the United States through Operation Paperclip.

Christopher Hitchens & Questioning the Synthesized "Holocaust" Narrative

I've been very critical of the late Christopher Hitchens. In my view he was singularly wrong on the most important question of our generation which is the neoconservative preplanned intention to invade Iraq based on lies on deception.

On the quiet though I'd sever a finger or two to secure Hitchens' vocabulary, cadence and manner of speaking but that's because I'm a weak hypocrite with shallow pretensions of erudition and command of language.

Nevertheless Christopher Hitchen's defence of David Irving is one of those great examples when I'm left concluding that at times his courage and example went way beyond any other writer I can think of since Orwell. I pointed this out when he went through water boarding for Vanity Fair.

The video is worth watching for the unspeakably repressed outrage of a trembling voice warbling from a red faced Eric Breindel who was obviously a cock but clearly a badly informed one on this occasion.

Impramatur is one of those words the internet will kill and thanks to Wikileaks et al. We will stomp it into the ground and grind a heel into its elite background and barely try to forget it ever existed, because it's so much more forgettable than the truth which if you're not paying attention is often forgotten but unlike deception is eternal.