Saturday 12 November 2011

TR-3B - Black Ops Triangular Aircraft

I don't know enough about these craft known as TR-3B to make extended comments on them except to say that every single source I've encountered says the black triangular craft belong to the either the US military or the shadow government structures. Richard Dolan has coined a term for them. A breakaway civilisation

The music accompanying this video is sufficiently polished enough to ask the question, what's the motivation of the maker? But it's also good enough to post and say take a look, enjoy and go do your own homework. Suppressed technology is a logical outgrowth of capitalism if you really really think about how power and money works. There's no dough in releasing oil busting technologies to the people. There's no money in a cure for cancer either. Greed is also something people might be more acquainted with.

On a side note I learned today that the most secret underground base of Area 51 around the Nevada desert is called Defence Advanced Research Centre or DARC. It figures.

Update: I'm advised that Chapter 9 of Joseph Farrell's Nazi International is related to this very subject.

Friday 11 November 2011

Are Some E.T. Touchy Feely?

Dr. Stephen Greer has done Yeoman's work on documenting the massive amount of military industrial complex worker's interaction with the subject of U.F.O's and E.T. with his Disclosure Project. Unsurprisingly the Whitehouse is obliged to ignore it as by and large most E.T. interaction on this planet is via shadowy military channels and like every cigar chomping penis-envy part of the human psychosphere is an historical clusterfuck of unimaginable proportions to the newcomer who hasn't spent a few hundred hours with the data. In short the Whitehouse isn't in charge.

Stephen gets a lot of criticism for his focus on what is known as benevolent E.T. given the evidence for off planet manipulation of our species or even on planet collaboration with ruling groups. I'm easy with the idea of pluralism and uncomfortable with binary thinking so it's all good with me. To compliment this, I have a post in draft of a Dr. John Mack documentary. He studied the alien abduction issue at significant cost to his professional reputation and it's a lot harsher than the above interview. It's worthwhile having a listen to Dr. Greer above as he is interacting and teaching people to interact with inter-dimensional beings in a way that suggests all is conciousness. At the end of the day.

John Lash - The Nag Hammadi Codices & The Sumerian Cuneiform Tablets

Nobody took the implications of the Sumerian Cuneiform tablets more seriously than I, but as time went on I started to question why would I take the word of the Anunnaki seriously? Particularly with their longer-term perspective of time it would make perfect sense to throw a few tablets of disinformation into the mix. 

John Lash also came to this conclusion (though long before I started to think about these things) as he outlines in this splendid interview. I'm more or less finished with the Anunnaki mythology for now, and increasingly focused on the Nag Hammadi codices, though obviously it's interesting, as all disinformation is, to analyse and look for motives and behavioural clues. If there's one talk about the Anunnaki that I urge everyone to listen to it's this one.

John also reminds us that most of the cuneiform tablets are transactions like the one above for sheep and goat tallies. They were the Goldman Sachs of their day. Which is one of those coincidences that makes a lot of sense if we think it through?