Monday, 16 May 2011

Ashes To Ashes - Dr Judy Wood's 9/11 Crime Scene Work

It looks like I've been wrong. There's a new book out by a slightly peculiar but stubborn lady by the name of Judy Woods who reminded me something I should have learned from reading the Charles Fort 'Book of the Damned' I was blogging a few weeks ago. What I learned from that book is there is so much we don't know and that the human condition is to impose on unknown events a story which however ridiculous fits the existing paradigm of information or disinformation as is often the case. After the discovery of thermite particles I assumed the twin towers were bombed and that it was a controlled explosion.

I was ignoring my inner voice that was screaming something larger. The buildings rapidly dissolved into dust so quickly I should have known something different was taking place. What that process was I still don't know. I still believe explosives were used as the witness testimony is overwhelming. However this new book explains that new language is needed to explain what happened. It was dustified. There's also a lot of evidence to suggest something strange happened that day as 1400 cars were melted (particularly the engine blocks) but not burned around the twin towers for no reason. Furthermore the jumpers from the building were tearing their clothes off themselves as if the material itself was burning them and this is not commensurate with people who jump out of buildings.

Lastly there's a strange story of a man who left the twin towers as they were collapsing and crawled under a vehichle only to find that when the dust settled there was no vehicle left above him. This is just weird and so I'm with Judy Woods on this. Her book 'Where did the towers go?' explains why her hypothesis challenges all existing ideas and if you Google around a bit you can hear her explain it in interviews.

Please note, if you're unable to absorb new information that challenges your existing reality this book is not for you. Though you might want to check your pulse and see if you actually are alive. Hats off to Dr Judy Woods for sticking it out despite losing her job over it.

Amygdala America Versus Texan TSA Trouble


The silence State side to being tracked via iPhone, and now in a constant state of alert via mobile carrier is eerie. The loss of civil liberties has yet to be largely confronted although the TSA action was a glimmer of protest in a largely subdued and intimidated people. I hear that Texas is taking a stand on that and I wish them well. Silence is complicity and the silence in your tweets tells me lots.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

The Aquarian Conspiracy & The Fabian Society

Well that's two killer articles I've read today. First the NeuroSoup stripping down to lingerie fantasy I've harboured, manifesting in real life with an LSD orgy worth of Hunter S. Thompson (who incidentally wrote explicitly about observing lizard shape shifters as apparently LSD drops the vibrational veil they need for subterfuge) and now I've just had another epiphany of knowledge which even though it has gaps in it, is still much more credible than anything one could anticipate in Wikipedia for accuracy. (Note: Wikipedia is fine for safe subjects but any debatable history gets the jackboot stomped all over it).

It all started with a comment from David Icke who pointed out that the reason Aldous Huxley and Mary Shelley and George Orwell wrote such great futuristic novels is that basically they were in the know through the Fabian Society. You know. The ones who have the wolf in sheep's clothing as their logo?

I never figured out how Mary Shelley could have written Frankenstein, and so that suggestion made sense, and I looked it up a bit and thought maybe the Fabian Society are a bit more plugged into the future than most people suspect. It's always the case that small groups of people have throughout history often been privy to information that is kept well away from the the little people as Leona Helmsley put it (and that bastard lizard Carl Henric-Svanberg from B.P.). I also know this from the Saturnalia cultists I've been studying. In any case the reason for George Orwell's prescient pen came up on a forum I hang out on occasionally and which does publish secrets that if not always 100% accurate are definitely some of the freshest information on the net. So I began to read the post while also putting forward my Fabian Society information. One of the links that was posted there though really just rounded off a memorable Sunday of reading. The information just spilled out effortlessly.

You may have gathered I'm not the most sycophantic Anglophile as I believe interesting people turn up everywhere. But it's hard to ignore an article on an open conspiracy headed by Aldous Huxley and populated with the complete 'perfidious Albion' constellation of Eric Blair (clearly anti-Fabian), Aleister Crowley, Bertrand Russell, DH Lawrence and H.G. Wells as well as plenty of American dodgy elites such as Alan Dulles, Ken Kesey, Timothy Leary as well as a couple of Military Industrial Complex think tanks/banks and Incorporations and finally rounded off with a bit of Blavatsky, Adorno and the ever present Albert Hoffman. It all comes back to acid in the end doesn't it?

I'm not saying the article has any better a grip on historical reality than others I've come across but I never encountered the Aquarian Conspiracy before along with the idea of a British led occult-priestly class emerging from the ashes of the British empire and hell bent on spiking the youth of America with drugs that probably hadn't been invented yet while reinventing Isis worship. 

Some of it obviously doesn't stand up to stiff interrogation, but it's fair to say it's so radical it has to be partly true and so yet again I'm blown away by information that generally tears up existing mental frameworks. I get the feeling that the more tearing up I do the closer I get to what is going on and further away from the neatly packaged bundle I no longer trust and previously called history. 

Read it anyway and make your own mind up. I'd just like mine back so I can finish off an Orwell recommendation that I'm hoping will shed light on how he got so much so right along with a couple of other important Fabian Society members.