Friday 7 October 2011

Is Terry Richardson Too Busy Hanging Out With Vampires To Shoot #OWS

Terry Richardson likes to portray himself as an ordinary Joe and a man of the people. He loves to take pictures of ordinary New York life but so far, after over three weeks of protest he hasn't taken one picture of the Occupy Wall Street people. No amount of shooting greasy burgers or loving up the dripping in blood 'in-crowd' at Raspoutine is going to fix it till he mans up and remembers what the tattoos are all about.

Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine & David Icke's Problem Reaction Solution Are The Same Thing

I doubt that David Icke and Naomi Klein are familiar with each others work, but I am and David's 'Problem, reaction, solution' and Naomi's Shock Doctrine are exactly the same premise. It's also the truth about how the the elites that pull the strings for the 1% - by proxy, also control the 99%. 

But not for much longer.

Quite an odyssey for a man who was possibly, by the corporately owned media, possibly the most widely ridiculed man in humankind.

Nobel Peace winner Tawakul Karman talks to Al Jazeera

It's easy to dismiss the Nobel peace prize awarded to Tawakul Karman (and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee) as unconnected to the X Factor and TV dinner lives of the West but this year is a great example of an activist in a part of the world, that along with Bahrain and Syria is buried under a daily dishing of brutality that exists in large part to pipe the oil into the West's vehicles. 

Everything is connected. Listen to her. There's no daylight between her and say the words of John Lennon or any of the other greats that invariably the system seems to find a way to place a bullet in.