Friday 14 October 2011

Barely Legal Interviews

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Black ops testimony interview including the most fucked up GovCorp techno-voodoo secrets a person could learn between now and the graveyard of cremated chances. Randy Maugans again delivers a recorded conversation with Super Soldiers Duncan O'Finionan and Miranda Kelley that is peerless. Nobody has ever recorded conversations that are so pregnant with history about to give birth. 

It takes preparation and unusual integrity to earn the kind of trust Randy Maugans whistle blowing guests have for him. We are invited and included as valued friends, and so mutual respect is firmly in place from the beginning even though we've done none of the heavy lifting. 

It is here that Randy commences a journey with a metaphysical location in mind. There's no rush and so we take our time. Nobody actually remembers when we arrived but interruptions began to diminish and the boundaries of guest, interviewer and  listener melt away. Without anybody saying it, an understanding is reached that in here there are no taboos or sacred cows. We listen without prejudice. There are no heresies.

Then through characteristic patience and sensitivity we learn of lives in a way that is rarely ever given permission to be shared. It's a trust that allows us to be non judgemental and an intimacy where the story emerges in its own good time, unfolding just as much through pauses and silence, spontaneous laughter or uncontrolled giggling. We are treated with respect as fellow explorers. The pathos is not contrived. Our interest is never mistaken for inappropriate gawking into the extraordinary lives of people we really have no business examining. We return with rare insights into the nature of authenticity. This interview will reveal just as much about you if not more.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

The Gangrenous Cost Of Banking

Clif High is interviewed by someone less familiar than usual with his software that scours the web for tension and release language indicating impending change and so this is a good introduction to the Web Bot for newcomers.

Clif says they are accurate only half the time but the caveat is this is twice as good at prediction than chance. Banking is closer to peril if that forecast is accurate in the next week or so. It's best to start the run on banks yourself then follow the herd and wait in line for a pittance. The playlist is here and the decision is yours.

Friday 7 October 2011

Wayne Herschel Interview - Cosmic Colonialism

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I'm working my way through Wayne Herschel's online interview backlog but so far the idea that is really turning me on is this. The Pyramids of Egypt and Chitzen Itza and others around the world are not historical artefacts for us. 

They are cosmic markers. 

Intergalactic colonial flags planted squarely in the sand that say to the rest of the cosmos who was here first. This makes a lot of sense considering the transdimensional nature of the cosmos. The most vital communications would need to be the simplest. A bit like a galactic Braille or a universal Morse code. Lo-tech (on one level), easy to spot and just as easy to observe for further clues over a bit of time. I also like his conclusion that it's us who are the aliens. It makes a lot of sense if we start to pull apart the missing links of evolution.

They use the star constellations to display their flag colours. I might have that a bit wrong and there's a lot more to his research but it's a neat idea backed up by constellation layouts in the archaeological hardware. But more important than all this is a simple point made by Wayne that is jarring more and more with me. I describe it as most of the world is still starving while the rest is obsessing about the next iPhone on their Christmas list. Get a grip fuckers. Materialism is so last century.