Showing posts with label ukraine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ukraine. Show all posts

Tuesday 29 November 2022


Est-ce moi ou l’attraction fatale en arrière-plan?

Wednesday 28 September 2022


In my analysis the Ukraine conflict is the first time we've seen the hidden hand of the corporation city of London taking the lead.

The double in the white house isn't reliable enough and Mr Johnson paid three visits (at least) to Kiev Zed along with Bono, Lenny Henry and Piers Morgan.

The Guardian headline is still factually prescient.

Tuesday 30 August 2022

Spit Balling (Just Another Hypothesis)

Years ago, at work, we'd just won a new global client. 

I don't recall why, but I was being vocal and a bit too candid. The client, a female, overheard me and without any aggression said 'opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one'.

Maybe that's why they made me get up front to get the energy going in the conference room. Dancing is one of my favourite things so not the hardest corporate task I've been burdened with.

So yeah, this is just an opinion.

When Mar-A-Lago was raided by the FBI and you know, accusations of evidence being planted, and evidence being carted out, yadda yadda yadda.... well, It struck me as resonant of a line from the past.

It's just a theory. 

Surely the Feds aren't that stupid?

Tuesday 2 August 2022

Beating For Ukraine

The first video above is filmed in Svyatoshinsky district in Western Kiev.

NATO trained battalions {now integrated into the Ukraine Army such as Tornado Battalion, Right Sector, Azov et al} do the beatings to terrify sympathizers (human beings) they could be next if they step out of line.

The same NATO affiliates film their torture in the front rooms of ethnic Russians living in Ukraine  (private consumption before gloating on the internet)

The clips above are the mild stuff so you go ahead with your Russophobia-hate on Ukrainian families because of their ethnic origins.

And... when you've finished... as it were, or had enough of watching those beats, lookup Tornado Battalion raping children in front of their parents.

It hasn't been scrubbed from the internet.


Tuesday 3 May 2022

Impending Food Shortages

As a former marketing and advertising kind of guy, I take a close interest in retail layouts, products and promotions.

My first question during the lockdown was how Poundland remained open as it must have been the biggest revenue boon ever for them, making money while other retailers were closed for the scamdemic.

For the open minded the documentation was published before the plandemic. Event 201 is just one search term  along with patents and orders for COVID supplies made long before the phenomenon itself. People who are invested in the mainstream media deception appear psychologically incapable of researching the abundant material available. I feel disappointed when given fake news but I'm never triggered.

However, I can trigger the fuck out of any Vaxxed/Save Ukraine womble. 

Don't believe me? Send me a message and I'll arrange the zoom so we can see who is unstable.

I've repeatedly referred to the revelation of the method on this blog. The controlling pseudo elites must show the flock what they're going to do in order to have their free will to then be subjugated or just plain murdered as the Midazolam and Morphine crowd discovered when Granny was taken-out under the auspices of healthcare.

I know a multimillionaire who went to hospital for insomnia and was knocked out, intubated and for months begged for help knowing he was being killed and then when they didn't die (physically a very strong man), he was shipped to the loved-up ward and the good cop, bad cop psychology worked a treat. He delivered them flowers afterwards, that's how powerful trauma based mind control is. Remember trauma based mind control? I've over ten years writing on the subject on this blog.

But back to Poundland. They dismantled their floor plan and where products were packed to the rafters, they've widened the aisles and have halved their inventory at least. The halving is because they can't get the products from China but also there's that deliberate commercial shipping backlog which is just as synthetic as the fires at foodplants.

If you think this is a batshit conspiracy theory, then stand by your principals and don't panic shop. They took the piss with the toilet rolls a couple of years ago but this next stage is for keeps. [We both know the normies will panic shop when the inevitable panic-chapter kicks in again].

All of the above is a pretext for a hybrid depopulation plan coupled with biometric tracking of those left behind to serve the cattle owning class. The trick is to do it slow enough so the herd don't stampede.

It's so obvious.

Update:  The arson continues.

Tuesday 19 April 2022

Save Gonzalo Lira?

I'm not concerned by his silence. 

I'm worried. 

Make your own mind up.

Update: Gonzalo Lira was arrested by the Ukrainian SBU and all his electronics were confiscated and instructed to keep quiet about internal affairs so he had no way of reaching the outside world.

He did get some tweets out and they were imo quite ungrateful for the concern expressed for him.

Update: 10.05.22

It seems he can vlog again from Kharkov which suggests to me he's cooperating with the SBU? He hasn't got a choice but he seems to be enjoying his current role.

Wednesday 9 March 2022

International Women's Day - Why Are You Beating Her?

If the videos aren't playing for you, it's probably censorship. They used to work.

I've had a couple of juicy scheduled posts published prematurely, so I've put them back in draft, but as you may have seen, they're nearly finished.

Today is international women's day, and as I understand things from the BLM, Wear A Mask, Save The Ukraine, banners-in-their-avatar-images, the kind of people who need a day to celebrate womanhood literally don't give a fuck about anything, unless it's coming from the psychopath flat screen on the wall.

Then they will vent and beat their chests.

If you never spoke up for Palestinian women, or Syrian women, or Yemen women, it's not women you stand for. It's the women the NATO media complex tell you to weep for.

They literally don't give a fuck if we bomb a transgender, a woman, a child or your granny unless the TV celebrities instruct them which country matters and by their obnoxious silence, which countries don't matter.

Wednesday 2 March 2022

Are You Feeling The Energy?

Ukrainians and Russians are brothers. It is the NATO installed Fascist junta in Kiev, who it bribed and bullied into belligerence to the point of stupidity that provoked today's operation to remove that 2014 Ukraine coup regime. 

British workers must say no to UK involvement. 

I realise that Putin is just as scripted as our reliance on his Russian gas. It's all part of the plan and unlike most, I'm excited about the impending changes which have been triggered by Russia's annexation of the parts of Ukraine that will be a holocaust if left to the mercy of Nazi Zionist scum like Kolomoisky, Klitschko, Poroshenko, Turchynov, Tyahnibok, Yatsenuk and let's not forget 'Fuck the EU' Victoria Nuland who NATO have propped up in genociding the people of Donbass and Maidan Square. The only one who said the obvious publicly was Tyahnibok, yet still suckling on the teat of CIA funds.

Not that it matters now, but I believe Zalenski was insincere while trying to diminish the rising tensions [nice bluff], but like the Georgian Snipers the Kiev regime hired, to shoot their own Maidan massacre protesters, there's a great reckoning taking place, and the planned energy crisis, hyperinflation and death by vaccinosis will in some shape or form accelerate.

I believe that.

It's going to be tough for all of us but I welcome it from the entertained to death crowd who have no idea of what we've been supporting in Ukraine. We can all ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of reality. Those consequences are many dominos falling over till the normies scream 'please no more'.

Let's get some quick whammies out of the way. All the Trump derangement syndrome fetishists should first understand that it's all on record, what the smart solution would have been. It's too late now, but tell me. Are these the words of a senile, pussy grabbing, racist, sexist son of a bitch, or is it sounding like prophecy now? Again, I don't like his Zionism but I'm not so dumb to ignore a good job just because I don't like someone's gold toilets and trophy wife. I've seen worse.

Anyway, it looks like London is in charge again 😎

Monday 14 February 2022

President of The Ukraine Exposes UK & US Warmongering [NATO]

President Zelenski tries his best to calm the Ukrainian people down and the outside forces [Usual Players] who foment death and destruction as this blog has written about many times.

Lot's of these memes are old and use the word Jews where Zionists are the correct term. The image below is of a Jew and a Muslim working together for peace in The Ukraine. Jews attend the synagogue. Zionists are always near the death and destruction from 9/11 to The Ukraine (where they collaborate with Nazis).