Showing posts with label conspiracy theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conspiracy theory. Show all posts

Friday 28 October 2011

Snoop Dog On Conspiracy

Snoops last point about the U.S. government targeting black neighbourhoods with crack cocaine and then keeping white powder cocaine a misdemeanour compared to the felony of base cocaine is well documented. There is lots of interview testimony on Youtube of former CIA, FBI and DEA officials, all on record saying that a weakened black community is a high priority for funnelling crime and keeping one group under subjugation at the expense of another.

Thursday 25 August 2011

I Love Benjamin Fulford. He Doesn't Fuck About

The world knows that the US corporate government headquartered in the mini-state of Washington D.C. is doomed. The leaders of the world know this corporation posing as a government murdered close to 3,000 of its own citizens in order to create a fake pretext for a massive oil grab in central Asia. The countries of the world have also decided not to finance this monstrous regime any longer. The result has been a steady and accelerating decline in the power of the military industrial complex. Their criminal corporate leadership is now carrying out a battle of the bulge style offensive that is mathematically doomed to failure no matter what they do.
Behind the scenes various leaders of the cabal that has controlled the US and many Western governments are scrambling to preserve their own interests. There is also increased infighting at many different levels.

First of all the US regime continues to act like an unemployed junkie running out of friends to borrow from and possessions to hawk. The latest sign of this is the announcement of social service disabilities payments are on the verge of insolvency. This is another way of saying the corporate government has been raiding people’s money they were never entitled to have and that even that money is running out. Power and drug shortages are other signs all is not as they pretend.

More important has been the fact that more and more small investors are finally waking up to the fact the stock market is a rigged casino and are taking their money out ASAP. That means all the Federal Reserve Board fake money being pumped into the market is no longer going to con those with real money. Hence the record gold price and the flight from the US dollar.

The US criminal regime, however, is not going to dissolve right away. It continues to use the threat of World War 3 to buy time and kick the can down the road a bit further by getting temporary credit extensions from its foreign lenders. It is interesting to note how US Vice President Biden was quoted in English corporate propaganda media as saying “do not count out the US yet,” but that his comments got no publicity in China.

Behind the scenes, a major pentagon/CIA/NSA agency faction is still preparing for the mass arrest of US criminal oligarchs. Nazi leader George Bush Senior and his cabal have finally contacted a White Dragon representative seeking some way to preserve their assets after the US corporate bankruptcy.

Henry (Heinz) Kissinger, the other top Nazi, tried to convince CIA power broker Dick Cheney to kill several key White Dragon members. However, Cheney knows the cabal was planning to throw him under the bus and is not going to be manipulated into doing something that is not in his interest.

David Rockefeller is claiming to be old and senile and to be not involved in what is going on. J. Rockefeller remains in deep hiding.

The German and Dutch factions headed by the likes of Queen Beatrix and Deutschebank’s Ackerman have withdrawn to the sidelines, aiming to keep their own interests intact until the dust settles. The British royal family are circling the wagons around the British Commonwealth.

The French have decided to try to settle their internal spat. French President Nicholas Sarkozy has rushed off the China to try to cut a deal. Meanwhile, the latest evidence links Sarkozy to the maid who accused IMF leader Dominique Strauss-Khan of rape. DSK of course, threatened to reveal all sorts of cabal secrets if he went to trial so the cabal is now trying to bring him back into their ranks.

In Japan, meanwhile, various bits of new information have emerged about recent events. A professional killer who was involved in over 70 political assassinations in Japan and South Korea told the White Dragon society the foreign cabal controlling these countries through murder no longer had anybody willing to do their work these countries. That is why they resorted to using an atomic-bomb triggered tsunami attack and nuclear crisis to try to force their will on Japan.

This move has backfired as a growing number of members of the Japanese self-defense forces, the yakuza, national Broadcaster NHK and politicians now discuss the atomic attack on Japan as a given fact. It is still not being admitted publicly simply because it would push public opinion towards war against the US despite the fact that most of the Pentagon was unaware of this attack and is opposed to the perpetrators.

The scuttlebutt in Japan is that the next Prime Minister will be Seiji Maehara. Maehara is known to be friendly to the Pentagon and US interests. However, he is expected to be another short-termed Prime Minister whose main purpose will be to maintain public ambiguity until the over-arching world power struggle ends.

The sudden offensive by so-called Libyan rebels working for the British, French and Italian colonial interests in Africa is a Rothschild gold grab, according to an alienated Rothschild family member. Some sort of compromise over mineral and other interests in Africa is still expected and this sudden offensive is merely high powered bargaining.

There is still a crack 7,000 man unit standing by to try to seize Saudi oilfields if necessary but trying to do that would be foolish.

The Saudis, for their part, are making new friends in Asia by helping sell Thai Royal gold to China by laundering the proceeds into dollars, according to a high level Asian gang source. 

As usual, there is plenty of other information being passed to this writer from sources within the Yakuza, the Italian P2 Freemason lodge, the Rothschilds etc. about bonds worth hundreds of billions or trillions that are about to be cashed. This talk has gone on so long this writer can only say, I will believe it when I see it.

The White Dragon Foundation, for its part, will be concentrating its initial funding on setting up a committee of experts to scientifically assess “free” energy technology and begin planning the establishment of the new International Economic Planning Agency.

There is much that this writer is being asked not to report at the present time. However, the overall assessment remains that there will be more turbulence before the old world order finally cedes power. 

Friday 5 August 2011

Dr. Rauni-Leena Lukanan-Kilda & Anders Breivik Mind Control

I was very impressed with the last Rauni-Leena Lukanan-Kilda interview. I think she's Finnish and being interviewed by Red Ice Radio's Henrik who is Swedish and it's about the Norway tragedy so it's very much a Scandinavian blog post. Rauni-Leena was the first one who confirmed for me that fast acting cancer inducing drugs are used by intelligence agencies and so that helped explain a couple of premature deaths of whistle blowers I've been researching.

I'm still uncomfortable that there seems to be deliberate inconsistencies with the whole lone psychopath explanation. Deliberate is the bit that unsettles me.

Monday 1 August 2011

Muse - Uprising

if you could
flick the switch and open your third eye, you'd see that
we should never be afraid to die

Monday 20 June 2011

Large Fluoridated Soda, McTerror Burger & Conspiracy Fries Please.

One of my Google alerts is the word conspiracy. There are two types of article it returns day in and day out. One is the kind of conspiracy where the police apprehend the criminals and prosecute them for conspiring to commit crime. The other is the unilateral, ubiquitous portrayal of a global network of amateurs as conspiracy theorists for refusing to accept the appalling decline in our priesthood, our politicians, our businessmen (it's usually men) and our generals. I could go on but the most pernicious act of consensual cowardice has been Western media's utter collapse of moral backbone to prosecute through investigative journalism the assault on human rights and human decency. There hasn't been a single media scalp since Richard Nixon and it's an irony not missed on the seekers of better explanations that the loudest of voices attacking the conspiracy realists are guilty of manufacturing consent through the conspiracy theorist calumny with mainstream and corporate media pummelling.

Out of nowhere Foreign Policy has written the first article that challenges the bland, spineless and ubiquitous iniquity peddled by the corporate controlled media. It's so unusual that I'm inclined to paste my comment below.

"Extraordinary. The first authoritive media voice to break ranks and put forward another point of view. The lap dog press parading as guard dog have unilaterally smeared every single question that a network of amateurs without direct access to the evidence demanded with the conspiracy calumny.

Like the word terrorist, has the establishment trashed their own creation? I applaud Foreign Policy for having the guts to put forward a point of view that is not to be found elsewhere"

Friday 27 May 2011

Unnatural Disasters

The Fukushima earthquake was predicted by Benjamin Fulford years before it happened in the first minutes of this interview by Project Camelot. He specifically states that nuclear plants would be the areas targeted if the Japanese didn't pay the Federal Reserve extortion money (note the Reserve is a private company so try not to hold fixed nation state ideas all the time to understand this). In addition the ionosphere heated up prior to the earthquake and so we can at least feel sure that unanswered questions about the HAARP weather weapons raise great suspicion.

Ultra right winger Vladimir Zhironosvky (yeah, still alive) has recently threatened to bury the United States with a silent weapon recently and I think there's no finer analyst of the situation than Dr Joseph P Farrell to take you through the intrigue of media and power play nuance with his understanding of history, geopolitics and and the shadowy groups that pull strings above governmental level. For those of us trying to figure out what is actually going on (and there's a lot of unrecognised champions out there) it's just disheartening that most people are ignorant of weather/unnatural disaster weapons or even buy their corporately owned media's message that they don't exist

Time to get real people; the only reason we know about atomic weapons is that big mushroom cloud business in the sky or it would be a secret war weapon. Unnatural disasters are perfect because they look so plausible to uninformed people. There's a big game being played out here and while we don't know all the answers it's important that people inform themselves and start asking questions.

It's in your own interest.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Jesse Ventura At Google

Kudos to Google for both championing Tesla (subjected to technology repression from the oil dealers) and now Jesse Ventura. Conspiracy is the new black. It's intellectually vacuous and sheer laziness to avoid doing your own homework. Make your own mind up or else it will be made up for you.

Thursday 21 April 2011

1500 Engineers & Architects & 911

Lest we forget. You were instructed not to think about it. And most of you did just that.

Wednesday 16 March 2011


Freeman is everybody's favourite conspiracy theorist. He's so lovable that I want to be a conspiracy theorist just like him too. However compared to his encyclopaedic knowledge of everything from ancient history, freemasonry and the illuminati, to space wars and Obama cloning I'd quickly run out of reasons why anybody would believe me but the thing about Freeman is that beside the extraordinary web of deceit and collusion he paints about the world that is hidden from view his trump card is his niceness. I'm not even all that nice really so instead give him a whirl instead and brace yourself for the rabbit hole because even if he's 20% right, he's an extraordinary individual....and nice with it. If you're head doesn't spin after this you're locked down too tight "dude".