Showing posts with label cia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cia. Show all posts

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Robert David Steele Talks About Reince Priebus and Mike Pence's P&G Connections

Robert David Steele is the most senior CIA person or even just the most senior person ever to name names in the Proctor & Gamble affair which has the initials PG. Sadly this is what censorship has come down to. He's very brave and I admire him.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Glenn Greenwald Confirms CIA Bias Against Trump, BBC Loses It

Fake Intelligence Agencies, Fake News, Fake Media, Fake Stories and we're rapidly approaching that point where the CIA will actually drop a truth bomb to regain any credibility and nobody will believe them. Google "ISIS CIA Jordan" for shits and giggles.

Monday 2 January 2017

Douglas Valentine

Sadly Douglas Valentine is too old to connect the dots between the CIA's use of child abuse networks and he doesn't even know the White Helmets are a British Military intelligence creation by James Le Mesurier. He vacantly states in a subsequent interview with a New York radio host who is clueless on the international stage, that it's impossible to verify. 

It's not, and he's too old and lazy to open up the playing field of information. Dust Boy was complete fiction. 

Wednesday 21 December 2016

#PizzaGate: Unexplained Rates Of Missing Children Surrounding Washington D.C.

Strangely enough more children go missing in the same State (Virginia) as the CIA HQ than anywhere else. Old knowledge to people who research these things.

Update: The original video was deleted so I've had to replace it with a suitable alternative. Much is censored when it is close to the mark.

Sunday 18 December 2016

After Dark - Out of Bounds

If you ever wondered why the CIA is such a mess look no further than this After Dark episode with CIA Honcho Miles Copeland, father of The Police's drummer Stewart Copeland. He's dim-witted, opinionated, arrogant and confident of his importance to history when in fact he's evidentally clueless about James Jesus Angleton's role as the 'the mole' in the CIA and other whopping clangers.

The only thing he ever did that was half useful was tipping off his unremarkably talented drummer-son that the moon landing photography is all studio and so the Police wrote "Walking on the Moon". This song is a self evident parody of the (law of) nature of leg breaking when jumping too high in a purported 1/3 gravity though it was actually on planet earth.... in a studio.

And then there's REM's "If you believe they put a man on the moon" or .. Rammstein's Amerika or Imagine Dragon's Ode to Stanley Kubrick or "Space may be the final frontier, but it's made in a Hollywood basement" - Red Hot Chili Peppers.

On more serious matters we have admissions in this episode that MI6 Director Maurice Oldfield was raping the boys at Kincora (and was thus blackmailed) and a marvelous Tony Benn pointing out to Miles Copeland that he's uninterested in attacking him personally as he has 'no idea what you've done in your career' as a response to a personal attack from the ex CIA douche.

If only the fake left, neo liberal socialists and pseudo liberals could take a leaf out of Tony Benn's book and side with the truth instead of vile criminals like Hillary Clinton, Tony Blair and their obnoxious genocidal lies. That's what the left used to stand for. Truth and Justice. Now they stand for anyone who keeps their mortgage payments stable.

Saturday 26 November 2016

Cuba's Fidel Castro, Former President, Dies aged 90

Not many people know that Fidel Castro was an actor in Hollywood before his rise as a revolutionary. It's also fairly likely that he worked for the CIA and therefore at some point walked away from them. This would explain the Bay of Pigs which was pointless as the US had a US Military camp at Guantanamo and still have to this day. 

It also seems reasonable to suggest that the reason for the CIA's hatred of Castro (and thus the United States' establishment) is because he turned on them. Fidel Castro was one of a handful of leaders who informed us that the US and Israel fathered ISIS (along with their MI6 mates and Saudi/Qatar money).

Thursday 22 September 2016

Conspiracy Theory (1997) | Mel Gibson & Julia Roberts

A Hollywood movie about conspiracy theories is pretty much the last format I've ever have considered taking seriously. However, despite the over the top, too-paranoid-to-take-seriously, and buffoon-clown behaviour of Mel Gibson there are a few nuggets. 

The first hint is when he talks about "they" or "them" as NASA, among others.

In 1997 very few people would have entertained NASA as a deep state player but we now know most of the visuals they pump out, if not all, are completely synthetic, and that they played a huge role in the industrialisation processes of mind-controlled victims through trauma-based dissociative techniques. The evidence is mainly testimonial (although disparate sources state the same details) and of course the connection between Operation Paperclip NASA and Mind Control Nazis is self-evident.

Most mind control is done through Hollywood and Corporate Media programming coupled with some dietary factors like fluoride addition, GMOs (OMGs) and Big Pharma. This is easy to see when observing people who would rather eat their own vomit than discuss reality.

However those who claim that MKULTRA and mind control programmes to create assassins and so forth are largely fictional/exaggerated, simply haven't done their homework. Presidents, Sports Stars, Spooks and Celebrities are reliably documented MKULTRA victims and even mentioned in the mainstream Hollywood narrative (if you know what you're looking for).

Many are used in Occult rituals for their genetic propensity to manifest demons, djinns or whatever vocabulary you prefer to describe non-orthodox entities.

The movie is also interesting because it confirms that the mind control techniques which used to be Secret Society intelligence, spilt over into the CIA, NASA and all the other sadistic poisonous groups that infect consumer society with events that most have no idea of how to explain. 

So it's factional mind control wars which is fairly logical if the researcher thinks it through, and Trump vs Clinton is a working example of this dynamic at some level.

Sunday 4 September 2016

Charles Manson

One of the more credible explanations for Charles Manson is his mind control programming as part of the CIA's/Network's MK ULTRA program. There are still unanswered questions like Who was his handler, How was he triggered (by telephone?) and What methodology was used (Trauma Based Mind Control/Harmonics/Drugs?).

The synchronicity pointing to this mind control link, lies with Roman Polanski, Sharon Tate and Rosemary's Baby and will be elaborated later. 

Monday 29 August 2016

Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects | CIA Director George Tenet

Kevin Ryan is notorious for studiously avoiding the Israeli key architect role in 9/11; but that's OK because plenty of Non Zionist Neocons were also complicit, and in-it up to their oily ears. Here he demolishes super-weasel CIA Director at the time George Tenet.

Usually CIA Directors are Knights of Malta like Danny Finkelstein's employer Rupert Murdoch and Prince Charles's mentor Jimmy Savile. They get a Vatican issued diplomats passport to run around the world doing what psychopaths do best with unlimited funds and no laws to obey.

Sunday 21 August 2016

The Open Source Intelligence Revolution Is Coming

I was pleased to see even mainstream media consumers sharing ex CIA Robert David Steele's profile in the Guardian. Well this is what he says outside of the corporate controlled media and I welcome anyone who makes this their first venture into alternative media sources as it will be an education you will not forget. This interview is particularly feisty but that's a good thing.

Friday 29 January 2016

Thursday 28 January 2016

Trauma Based Mind Control & Satanic Ritual Abuse

You probably don't have enough time to study this subject in depth so I don't ask you to believe the content the first time, but I can assure you there are hundreds of people coming forward with this information. 

I'm now more confident that as informed a long time ago,  1 to 2 million children have been subjected to trauma based mind control in the US alone. This explains much of the schizophrenia, bipolar and multiple personality disorder evident in the population which is largely ignorant even to psychiatric professionals of this topic.

Some of the key points raised in this brief interview are that the military and CIA targeted Satanic Groups to collaborate with exploiting children because the multi generational aspect means there is a genetic propensity towards mind control from families that engage in ritual satanic abuse. This is good for the military industrial spy complex and means less wastage of time and children turned into ineffective zombies through strenuous torture.

Once again we hear of a victim's direct contact with Joseph Mengele (where are the holocaust gravy train riders like Danny Finkelstein and Marko Hoare when this subject is staring them in the face?).

Instead of milking the obnoxious 6 million figure why don't these Zionist low lives draw attention to the human experiments in concentration camps that were then taken by the CIA for their MKULTRA programs? 

The reality is the British, the Nazis, The Americans and the Soviets are all the same on this subject of abusing their own children. This is the legacy of Statism.

Fritz Springmeier - Free Your Mind Podcast

In 1973 there were around 40 plus Institutions including Universities, Military Hospitals, CIA and so forth experimenting on US Citizens for mind control methodologies. However it's not until one reads the first hand accounts of NSA factory farms inhabited by infants in cages being electrocuted to keep in a dissociative state that the estimates of 1 to 2 million US citizens suffering trauma based mind control  effects such as Multiple Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder or any one of the number of names the psychotic psychiatric profession had to come up with to prevent consumers understanding what was going on to their own children, family, friends and so forth.

Mind controlled slaves are like drugs. They create new realities for the Gods.

This subject is going to be huge and so now is a good time to learn about the pseudo reality painted by leaders, church ministers, celebrities, sports stars and whatever else consumers soak up their cognitive bandwidth with.

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Judy Byington: International Paedophilia, Trauma Based Mind Control & Satanic Ritual Abuse

I've started to accumulate a dossier of people in the media who regular as clockwork get mainstream media exposure to pooh pooh that Satanic ritual abuse even exists. It is my experience that those most regularly wheeled out to program consumers and dismiss that hundreds of thousands of children are sacrificed by these cults each year around the world are complicit in the activity.

Like Judy Byington I've been attacked and smeared online by the very people who engage in the activity they dismiss as fiction. However MKULTRA, Ritual Satanic Abuse, Multi Generational Satanic Abuse families and how the spy services and powerful family bloodlines use these techniques for their own purpose of shaping unreality is increasingly difficult to disprove as witnesses and counsellors come forward.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Nestorianism, Masonry, Islam & Vatican False Flags

Tim Kelly invited Jay Dyer back on to his show Our Interesting Times to discuss Jihad, the history of the relationship between Islam and Christianity, and the prevalence of false flags and staged terror. They touch on ISIS, Iran, the Middle East, and then the plan to infiltrate and utilize the papacy on the part of Masonry and revolutionary secret societies. For some reason they think MSF is a CIA NGO as if the Pentagram didn't bomb one of their hospitals last month

Friday 27 November 2015

Richard Grove | James Jesus Angleton Was The Mole

Richard Grove of Tragedy and Hope discusses the suppression of logic, reason and history in the form of consumer education and social engineering. Richard and Jay Dyer delve deep into 9/11 monetary scams, the history of western intelligence operations and the influence of the foundations and banksters who, through fell spectrum dominance, are seeking to reorganize societies. Looking into the history of the CIA and MI6, Richard and Jay touch on everything from Hollywood to philosophy.

Esoteric Hollywood is Jay Dyer’s (from deconstruction of the deeper messages, symbols, and predictive programming subtexts that underlie modern film, including interviews with artists and experts in numerous media fields. Based on years of research into film analysis, comparative religion, propaganda,psychological warfare, secret societies and mind control, Esoteric Hollywood decodes the biggest movies in an unparalleled way, from the classics of the silver screen to today’s blockbusters.

Sunday 6 September 2015

CIA Director Bill Casey - Another Spook Child Abuser

It's no coincidence that at the height of the VIP child abuse network; British Intelligence through Maurice Oldfield - Director of SIS, and Peter Hayman - Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George) and the CIA's William J Casey;  (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) between the years of 1975 to 1978) were on both sides of the Atlantic Directed by child rapists.

Henry Vinson ran a call boy business in Washington D.C  around the same years and refused to get into pimping out under-age children which meant he eventually had to leave. His book Confessions of DC Madam details the information about William J Casey, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. A man who claimed his Roman Catholicism was a driving force in his life.

Friday 1 May 2015

Mossad & CIA Behind Bali Bombing

The intelligence services work for the 1% warmongers and social engineers. Mossad are the big swinging dick on the block (plus thousands of Sayanim helpers) with minor players like grovelling MI6 playing rear access rentboy for ZioFascist salami.

Solid researchers know the Bali Bombing was an intelligence op to scare the sheep into thinking Islam is dangerous and justify illegal wars for the next century or so.

This isn't new information but the editor of the Jakarta Post giving the facts is new to me.

Thursday 26 February 2015

CIA and Mossad Behind Boko Haram

It's a little simplistic saying Mossad are behind ISIS because the back story is somewhat more complex.

Everybody who is awake and fully concious knows that all round the world Transatlantic Governments make inexplicable decisions every day, that the sheep and gormless consumers put down to incompetence and blow back.

Well that's not quite what is going on. The real power is a transnational shadow government who use the politicians seen in the corporate media as a front. By the time our weasel leaders have shinned up the greasy pole of pseudo power positions they are so compromised their job is to make unpopular decisions and take the abuse heaped upon them. 

They are handsomely rewarded for it with gold plated pensions and a retirement with permanent security and lucrative consultancies. While in power they are surrounded by the people who tell them what to do including security agencies, corporations and banks. This is self evident to anyone who has watched Cameron at the UN reading out conspiracy theories speeches that are typed out for him to say Putin who can take questions from his people for hours at a time with no rehearsals, no script and no dissembling.

ISIS IS ISIL Daesh and whatever rebranded name they use while the mind wipes forget about Al Qaeda relies upon CIA funded Jihadist schools, special ops armed forces, Saudi and Qatar money and CIA, Mossad and MI6 training and direction.

It's a witches brew to quote Gordon Duff. David Cameron and his ilk are not politicians they are great actors. The quicker people realise this the sooner we can get on with building a future for people that has meaning and value.

Sunday 14 December 2014

Operation Phoenix | CIA Torture & Murder of 80 000 Vietnamese

The CIA were heavily involved in heroin trafficking during the Vietnam war but while one arm was shipping the drugs back to the US another was systematically torturing and murdering vast numbers of Vietnamese in Operation Phoenix.

Is it not odd given the latest CIA torture report that the corporate media are not discussing this? There's much evidence to suggest that this operation was buried (once again by the CIA's control of the media, with the Pentagon Papers story.