Showing posts with label 911. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 911. Show all posts

Monday 12 September 2016

The Walk

In 2012 a documentary was made about the wire walk by Philippe Petit between the Twin Towers. I wrote about it over over here so naturally I was confused when a 'proper movie' was made about the same event only four years later.

We now know the latest movie was seeded in one of those Hollywood script games which reveals how obsessed the architects of 9/11 are with us.

It's a great movie, and all the more poignant given Hillary's 'loss of energy' on the 15th anniversary of an event that she most certainly is complicit of criminal through guilty by silence and association.

Monday 29 August 2016

Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects | CIA Director George Tenet

Kevin Ryan is notorious for studiously avoiding the Israeli key architect role in 9/11; but that's OK because plenty of Non Zionist Neocons were also complicit, and in-it up to their oily ears. Here he demolishes super-weasel CIA Director at the time George Tenet.

Usually CIA Directors are Knights of Malta like Danny Finkelstein's employer Rupert Murdoch and Prince Charles's mentor Jimmy Savile. They get a Vatican issued diplomats passport to run around the world doing what psychopaths do best with unlimited funds and no laws to obey.

Sunday 21 February 2016

Ring Of Power (Full Length Documentary)

Ring of Power Scrubbed from @Youtube by charlesfrith

Two days after posting the Youtube video it was deleted so I'm posting the only other unedited version from Daily Motion. I urge you to watch this essential documentary.

Rebekah Roth | Methodical Illusion turned Methodical Deception

Sadly Rebekah Roth's work will be rejected now her deceptive past has been exposed. However much of her work pointed to the issues that are central to 9/11 and I have verified those points independently. 

I believe her IP address pointing to CIA, Langley no longer makes her an intelligence asset. It's a common technique to attach good information to fictional identities in order to undermine it later. Let's get one thing straight. Israel's key architectural role in 9/11 is under no doubt.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Pearse Redmond & Ed Opperman - Jeffrey Epstein's Child Abuse Network

Regrettably these lads once again fail to notice (or research) that Ghislaine Maxwell's father was a documented Mossad operative and have yet to logically pursue the blackmail nature of Epstein's Lolita Express and Fantasy Island operation. However it's still good info for the beginner. 

Never let other people slagging you off get in the way of information is my motto as I've been posting about Epstein since 2012 and even longer on Twitter so I'm comfortable with my track record on the Epstein honey trap and urge people to get stuck into this subject.

However, as an aside, why are New Yorkers (by and large) complete pussies about calling out the Prime Movers of 9/11? Is it because of the sizeable Jewish population or are they just lacking in backbone altogether?

Anyway here's a few pics to keep the focused on track about the Mandy Maxwell Epstein Rothschild connection... more on that when the time is right.

Thursday 17 September 2015

The Israeli 9/11 Art Project & Dick Cheney

The original video has been removed, so the evidence of Austrian Mossad assets posing as students for a World Trade Centre art project prior to 9/11 and Dick Cheney is no longer available. Many readers might ask after watching the video why would they make it so obvious unless it's just a hideous coincidence?

The thinking behind this is ancient, occult and universal. 

The idea is that if I as your adversary intend to attack you and use 'information in plain sight', I effectively have your consent for attacking you and more importantly there's no incursion of your freewill.

For example the mural painted on Mossad's Urban Moving Systems van was reported by the police to have a plane flying into the twin towers on its side. This declaration of guilt is often called 'revelation of the method' but is only really convincing when a researcher studies the subject and identifies it enough times across a spread of false flags and deep state crimes. It often requires a working grasp of symbolism and numerology. 

The Pentagon for example is not just a five sided shape worthy of no remark. Informed people may also be familiar with the ground breaking ceremony for the construction of the Pentagon that took place on 9/11 1941

In the original video (now erased) the recorded police radio transmissions report the van with the plane crashing into the WTC mural at the 5.20 mark if you are short of time. 

Thursday 3 September 2015

Why Were 9/11 Hijacker Mohamed Atta's Neighbours Mossad?

Slowly but surely people are beginning to understand the depth of deception. While it would be unfair to characterize 9/11 as completely run by the Israelis, anyone who thinks their involvement is anything other than controlling is deluded and/or in denial. 

Mohamed Atta's links to Mossad are well documented and he is not the only alleged pilot of 9/11 who has links to the Israeli spy service.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Israel Behind 9/11 Attacks - Christopher Bollyn

On one subject Christopher Bollyn has changed his story.

He originally claimed his arms were broken by US law enforcement for speaking out about Israel's involvement in 911. This is not a small matter to be silent on so if anyone else knows why he now remains silent on this please let me know. I think I've emailed him on the matter but I don't recall any reply.

Update: He has replied and the answer is in his books. He prefers not to mention it in public speaking for reasons I understand.

Friday 27 March 2015

Oliver Stone's Son | Israeli Involvement in 9/11

Christopher Bollyn is interviewed by Oliver Stone's son, Sean Stone, on Israeli involvement in 9/11.

The connoisseur will be familiar with the mention of Arnon Milchan, the Mossad asset/Sayanim who produced Stone's movie, JFK to throw the blame off Israel for the Kennedy assassination. 

Saturday 28 February 2015

911 Hijackers Neighbours With Mossad

Video reports like this tend to get removed when I post them here so I can't be responsible for that when people complain in the future. The Israeli involvement in 9/11 is overwhelming when studied in its entirety. This video alone isn't enough, it takes a lot more fact checking for the individual to pursue alone.

Monday 2 February 2015

Airline Attendant Demolishes 9/11 Misinformation

Rebekah Roth publishes information on 9/11 that demolishes the tissue of lies needed to hold the story together. Like any smart woman respected by her colleagues she also understands Israel were the architects of 9/11. This is a must listen interview. I learned a lot of things I'd never heard covered before.

Sunday 2 November 2014

David Cameron's UN Speech

Recently David Cameron stood at the United Nations and said that those who claimed Neoconservative, Dual Passport holding Ultra Zionists were behind the 9/11 attacks are as dangerous as the ISIS Terrorists that the UK, US and Israel are funding, training and supporting.

I feel morally obliged to state that I am one of those people, and thus have been tarred as some kind of extremist when it is not I who filmed the Twin Towers going down while flicking lighters in the air like the Mossad agents who were arrested at the scene.

It's hard to know if Cameron is as stupid as his statements. But let me remind you of the other great Statesman who went to the United Nations and warned about conspiracy theorists.

As ever with my information. You decide.

Sunday 19 October 2014

911 Political Refugees - Journalist Christopher Bollyn

Journalist Christopher Bollyn was assaulted by the police and had his arm broken, when he began to report on the links between Israel and 9/11. He escaped to Sweden where he lives in exile, but his expertise on Israel and 9/11 (he speaks Hebrew) is still one of the most respected on the planet.

There's some dispute between many 9/11 researchers about the use of thermite or mini nukes in the demolition of the twin towers. 

I want to make it clear that after years of study I'm still unsure of the full range of methodologies used that day.

Actually it doesn't really matter, and the people who fuel those arguments are often cognitive infiltrators to use a contemporary expression. However we do know the criminal architects behind the crime even though they had lots of help by their friends in the CIADoJPentagon and Congress. These are NetanyahuDov ZackheimMichael ChertoffLarry SilversteinJules & Jeremy KrollFrank LowyPhilip ZelikowPaul WolfowitzRichard PerleDouglas FeithJack Abramoff and a special shout out to the gentiles Dick CheneyDonald Rumsfeld and the odious L. Paul Bremmer. 

Sunday 12 October 2014

Booz Allen UBS & Dov Zakheim Funding ISIS - US Army Officer Whistleblower

Once again we have respected video testimony from a US army officer that Dov Zackheim, the Pentagon, CIA and Booz Allen are collaborating to fund ISIS.

Dov Zakheim is the US Pentagon Comptroller who discovered 2.3 Trillion Dollars were missing from the Pentagon budget that was announced the day before 9/11 by Donald Rumsfeld.

If you listen to only one whistle-blowing interview in your life this is the one that connects a thousand different taboo topics

It's a red pill.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Pentagon War Director - "Israel Behind 9/11"

Dr Alan Sabrosky is not only a serious Pentagon war strategist, he is also of Jewish extraction. Find out why Israel (with criminal elements in the USA) plotted a false flag demolition of the Twin Towers on 9/11 and used their friends in the media to cover it up.