Tuesday 7 September 2021

Vikings - A Very Short Introduction

One of the required reading for Yale's - The Early Middle Ages is the above book, but the only reason I read it is because it's the only one our central library had.

Ordinarily I'm not particularly fascinated by the Vikings, although I did some hard labour work once, with a legendary friend who urged me on by declaring that 'we're Vikings and we never quit', which always made me smile and power up for another exhausting climb up stairs with heavy furniture.

I was curious about the Vikings presence in North America and it is covered modestly at the end of this book, but what was really conveyed to me was how nebulous the notion of a fixed tribe really is when it comes to history.

It's a little bit like nobody called the industrial revolution that name till many decades later. Even the simplest of understandings gain complexity and unexpected textures as we begin to delve into them.

There's a great quote about the definition of culture in this book, though I won't repeat it as it's a gem that might be useful in the future. I was pleased to find out more about Harald Bluetooth (possibly the flakiest technology in the universe), but these colourful Viking characters convey some of the wider tribes' characteristics, although I hasten to add that they're not strictly speaking a tribe, as is amply laid out in the book.

Sunday 5 September 2021

Emily Barker ft. Frank Turner - Bound For Home (Official video)

The songs lyrics and the singer (Emily Barker) reached into my unconscious and pulled me out of a very deep sleep/unconsciousness. I fell asleep with the radio on and came round because of the haunting lyrics and music.

It's happened once before in Bangkok, around 2009 when I was running around on the KLEIN. In that instance it was ELOs Strange Magic, and I feel profoundly that both times were examples of Grace (the uncountable Christian noun).

Monday 23 August 2021

Boris Johnson's Dad - There Are No Coincidences

I've got somewhere approaching 20 thousand hours of conspiracy research under my belt over the last 10 years. Malcolm Gladwell says about 10,000 hours of any discipline makes a person an expert, but I've no time for him, so I'll settle for double to be on the safe side.

The point I'm trying to make is that despite knowing about the Georgia Guidestones, I never gave the population control conspiracy much credence as I understand the market driven and personal drivers for wealth creation, and I thought 'they'll never collapse the economy for population control measures.

Well, I was disabused of that ignorance sometime in March 2020 when the lockdown began and I instantly knew it was game on.

So here we are, the information confirming the so called theories is all around us and if anyone is paying attention to the hard data coming out of Israel (for example), you either believe the pseudoscience that there's a Delta Variant or you connect the dots and grasp that the injections are the delta variant.

I've written many times about the esoteric requirement for our antagonists to tell us what they're doing or going to do, and at this stage you either get it, and realise it's hidden in plain sight or it's all a vast coincidence theory.

Hard choices mean you've either taken the Clotshots or not, and the proof is very much in the pudding.

If the 'vaccinations work'.

Why don't they work?