Wednesday 1 April 2020

What Kind of Sophistry is this? - Man on the Moon - Jim Carey/Andy Kaufman

That Jim Carey, he's awesome said some, but by the end of the movie even lovable Jim Carey was just too damn weird. I enjoyed it thoroughly. It seemed to me that Andy Kaufman's entire schtick was to bleed real life onto the stage and the stage into real life.

By the end we're left wondering if everyone is a crisis actor in a hair brained scheme that has gone totally right or wrong, depending on your point of view.

Tuesday 31 March 2020

The Joker - 2019

We were disappointed.

Over hyped but still excellent.

A Man For All Seasons - 1966

Four and a half years ago I asked my Facebook connections for their best non Hollywood, film suggestions. One excellent proposal from Juanita Ann Richards, who has since deactivated her account is the above film.

It's an Henry VIII/Thomas Cromwell/Thomas More historical play that did well in the theatre till it was made for the cinema. Even then it went on to win a substantial amount of Oscars, but what captured my imagination was the Kubrick-esque baroque lighting (not Baroque lights) in the opening scenes which really are extra special.

As an historical piece, A man for all seasons, is an excellent education of the impending English reformation (and counter reformation after that).