Wednesday 29 August 2018

False Flag Chemical Weapons Attack in Idlib?

We've seen this script played out so many times by the Western powers. Macron is making all the right threats, John Bolton just came back from Israel and Western Agents have been spotted moving into the area.

Every chemical weapons attack in Syria has been done by us our our Al Nusrah/Jaysh al Islam terrorist buddies, often disguised as the British Military Intelligence created "White Helmets" who have no problem calling in NATO backed bombs and then filming the carnage after as if they are the heroes.

Tuesday 28 August 2018

The Economist, Wikileaks & Lynn Rothschild

The censorship on the internet means most of the informative video presentations from Youtube I've posted have been completely scrubbed if they contain important intel. 

I'm sort of restricted to posting the visual information for which I have hard copies as screen grabs and sharing those on social media, till things lighten up, if they ever do, as Facebook, Twitter and Google are collaborating on the censorship topic with all the usual warmongering Institutions and Zionist think tanks such as the Atlantic Council, the ridiculous Snopes or the obnoxious ADL.

Sunday 26 August 2018

QAnon, Trump & Shit-Stain McCain

In order to understand QAnon a working grasp of Game Theory, Gematria, Occult Inversion Theory, Revelation of the Method and what is inaccurately described as conspiracy theory (reality) in the fake news media is required.

One thing the media will never talk about is what QAnon actually publishes, thus keeping people in ignorance with 2nd or 3rd hand information when you can experience it for yourself.

I suggest putting McCain or "No Name" or "We Don't Say His Name" into the search box and learning a thing or two about reality.

Future proves past.