Wednesday 7 February 2018

American Gods - TV Version

I was disappointed with the screen version. The audiobook was so much richer and engaging. 

I'm pretty much done with Hollywood.

There are surprises from time to time but most of it is low level trash for low bandwidth consumers.


Tuesday 6 February 2018

Sunday 4 February 2018

Saturday 3 February 2018

American Gods - Neil Gaiman

Pretty much everyone who heard me listening to this asked me what it was about. It's my first audiobook and I did all three Youtube uploads twice now, as I was often busy and missed important scenes.

I hear there's a TV series so I'll download that and see how it compares. The character who plays Shadow in the audiobook is unforgettable.


Friday 2 February 2018

Trey Gowdy Leaving To Pursue Legal Justice

Qanon told us Trey Gowdy would be stepping down 17 days ago. Qanon has frequently informed us of events before they happen. Long before the toxic corporate media catch up on their increasingly self evident demise.

It's Funny How

Thursday 1 February 2018

Qanon - An Existential Threat to Corruption

Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director of the FBI resigned yesterday. I think there's a lot of merit to this Praying Medic analysis posted above. 

Remember this will spread globally if it kicks off. It's like #MeToo. It isn't confined to a country but spreads like a global movement if the people can see it applies to them too.

it definitely started in the United States of America though, like #MeToo.

As ever, make your own mind up. I just research and share the presentations I think are most credible and worth investing some time in.

Wednesday 31 January 2018

Woody Allen & 12 Year Old Girls

And here's a Woody Allen script which seems very informed on details only a paedo would know or think about.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Jerome Corsi & Qanon

 I take no responsibility for this information. Make your own mind up.

Later I'll add the post script

Monday 29 January 2018

The Moon Landing Hoax

It's quite possible man has been to the moon but nevertheless it's indisputable, to the serious researcher, that the Apollo moon missions were anything other than theatre.

This is a thoughtful discussion between the late Dave McGowan (a man I distrusted at first because of his rambling talking style, a decision I regret greatly) and Ted Torbich who has dropped off the map in recent years, though his interview style was always, well informed and top notch.

Sunday 28 January 2018

Cultural Engineering Through Music - Mark Devlin

A long, thoughtful and enjoyable discussion between Mark Devlin and Isaac Weishaupt

I haven't studied the evidence for Tavistock social engineering of the 80's/90's dance music scene, (one I heavily enjoyed and indulged in), but it did occur to me the other day that Ministry of Sound run by Baron James Palumbo, has that Tavistock wink in its moniker that we so often see, in events and movements that shape or more often degrade culture.

I'm old enough to have enjoyed Shoom in the late eighties but it does seem reasonable to assume that Danny Rampling may have discovered the music and it was subsequently picked up by the social engineers/drug culture peddlers later on, as MoS wasn't established for quite a few more years.

They could be connected or unconnected. 

Speculation is not Prediction.

Saturday 27 January 2018

Jerry Seinfeld & American Liberalism

Kevin Shipp - Former CIA on The Deep State

Kevin Shipp used to provide security for the Director of the CIA. I urge people to process the information he is sharing.

Friday 26 January 2018

Sharmine Narwani on Israeli False Flags

Sharmine Narwani is a highly respected commentator.