Thursday 27 July 2017

My Jewish Great Grandmother - Lucy Myers

For a number of years my father was obsessed with genealogy. He uncovered that our Great Grandmother (in the middle with my sister to her right and my brother to her left and me on the concrete), Lucy Meyers, was a Polish Jew. 

I recall ultra Zionist Blairite Marko Atilla Hoare questioning my Semitic credentials so let me put this down in writing. I challenge him and any other doubters to a molecular DNA test to determine who is more Semitic. I've been throwing down this gauntlet online for years.

Nobody has taken me up.

Final Judgment - Book Review

Quite often the most dangerous books are available for free in pdf format and readable on a Kindle or generic book reading software. They are invariably tampered with by global internet censors/intelligence orgs to make them ridiculous or unreadable. Often they are seeded with disinformation to make a fool of the reader who unwittingly quotes them verbatim.

I'm not going to lie. The official online copy of Final Judgement that I read isn't a great read, though it is a great book. It's packed with amazingly granular information that details the overwhelming connections between the Jewish Mob, The Bronfmans, Mossad, Sayanim and Israeli Terrorist Gangs/Politicians and the execution of JFK and so forth,  but in the final analysis it's not written all that well, and repeats itself a lot.

Nevertheless, Piper is an excellent researcher and has inconclusively proved through documentation that the Israel connection is a largely undeniable part, if not driving force behind the JFK execution milieu. 

If it was down to me I would cut the book in half, reduce the number of endless iterations, and write it in a manner that is more accessible polished and subtle. 

I might in fact do this one day as the book deserves a wider audience.

Wednesday 26 July 2017

What Andrew Breitbart Said About John Podesta

It is a fact that researchers uncovered a child abuse scenario around Comet Pizza and John Podesta. It is a fact that we subsequently learned Andrew Breitbart (who died in mysterious circumstances) was tweeting the same information some years earlier.