Saturday 20 May 2017

Qualitative Depth Interviews & First Hand Testimony

I generally have to sit through around five depth interviews to secure one good testimony. The reasons I reject the others are quite harsh. The respondent might be ego-driven, incoherent, looking to make a name or a profit for themselves, or just attention seeking.

All of these characteristics are associated with deep state disinformation characters too so that makes it easier to spot those respondents who quietly and powerfully lay out their testimony in a compelling and robust manner much as if a top advertising agency were pitching for an premium butter account with a solid reasoning for believing them.

This testimony falls under that category.

Friday 19 May 2017

What Happens When The Sex Parties Become Ordinary?

Extraordinary testimony from a very senior asset-banking finance person. Those who have read Confessions of an Economic Hitman will recognise the beginning of his story.

Sadly the end of his story is very familiar to me and I've heard it many many times from people who have since been scrubbed from the internet. It is as it is.

One important learning and confirmation I got from this testimony is that the people who create the anti money laundering regulations are the money launderers. They have to do it to stop it getting too 'crowded at the top'.

Inside Trumps War with Robert David Steele

There's no denying that Robert David Steele is more up to date than 99% of CIA employees on how things really work. I also agree with a lot of his assessments, but he does make mistakes and the more influence he gains, the less time he has to vet the information he is digesting.

In the case of blood drinking he's misinformed about adrenalized blood. It's a high not just a rejuvenation elixir. He's also somewhat behind on conceding that some of his Trump appointees he backed, are Neocon hyenas.

I notice Robert is making inroads with Thai officials. I urge him to be cautious. Open Source is anathema to Thailand and ASEAN unless it's sharing Western IP.

Update: The video I originally posted was removed so I need to check if the above interview is relevant to the post. I've since checked and the relevant interview is below. Both are superb.

Update: I no longer trust RDS