Sunday 11 May 2014

Louis Farrakhan on Darfur, Sudan - Arabs Enslaving Black Africans

I was just researching slavery and came across this very informative clip. Farrakhan is one of the straightest shooters you could wish to listen to. Especially when it comes to Zionists who claim human rights for places with oil interests. 

Like Michelle Obama above.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

A Dangerous Method

I wish I'd seen this first on the big screen. 

It's that good.

If you like beautifully manicured 1900's-ish clinical psychology with Swiss manicured lawns and erotic wailing Banshees in an opening scene then this movie is for you.

This is my favourite Jewish movie ever. It's better than Jaws and even better than Kramer vs Kramer, but it's not better than Five Broken Cameras which breaks category rules by being about reality shot in the first person.

If a movie is about making you see the world differently, then A Dangerous Method might work out as well for you as it did for me. By synchronicity I watched a Jungian Youtube interview only 10 days ago or so. In this respect it was sweet to see a younger dramatisation of the older gent who wrote about UFOs as a relatively nascent archetype, understood religion and generally fought hard not to always have conditional rules.

It's quite possible ambivalent people will be ambivalent about this movie but I always say take ambivalent people in moderation.

Tuesday 6 May 2014


I thought the visual I mocked up for Abby Martin was self evident Satire, but to be fair she did do an Apartheid State piece a few days later so that's good.

Here's one I did of her former colleague Liz Wahl and her Neocon buddy James Kirchick