Thursday 5 December 2013

RAND Corporation - How To Breed Passive Consumers Instead of Engaged Citizens

I've been meaning to do some research into the RAND Corporation, as I usually focus on the CFR, Brookings Institution, Chatham House and Tavistock Institute for global think tank warmongering, manipulation of humanity and all round parasitical relationship between elites and workers.

This video of Alez Abella is a good introduction. He's unusual because most people who are clever can't see the wood for the trees, but he gets the bigger picture. If you don't have time to review the video, here's a good article he wrote about RAND.

Fahrenheit 451

I assumed Fahrenheit 451 had some obvious references to Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911. The only two I can make are the corporate media (plus shill experts), and coincidence theorists claim that Skyscraper steel melts at 1400 degrees when actually it melts at 2750 degrees.

But the more subtle explanation is about keeping people stupid by burning books. In this movie the protagonist's wife is more interested in watching TV programs about being beautiful than knowing about reality.

This kind of thinking is everywhere since 9/11

People more interested in the football scores, celebrity nipple and reality TV than the notion that a complex consortium of power elite parasites are turning our planet into a cross between a duty free area in a new airport and an ecocide graveyard.

Fortunately not everything is going there way. The public myth making about Israel is beginning to dissolve and all round the world, people are questioning the war on terror paranoia hoax that keeps the warmonger psychopaths in cigars and Scotch.

Watch this film if you feel you're not reading enough books. I know I have a couple that I must get cracking with immediately. That's what the film does to you if you're passionate about learning.

Lee Harvey Oswald - MKULTRA Victim

H.P Albarelli's book A Terrible Mistake details the presence of Lee Harvey Oswald in the area of New York's mind control safe houses, at exactly the right time for him to be sucked into the system.

I always had my suspicions, but recently when I found out Oswald was an orphan child who joined the military at an early age and then spoke two languages very quickly, it struck me he had all the signatures of a mind control victim, and that the only way to learn a language in six weeks is MKULTRA or those military/CIA mind control programs we know so well.

I think you will be convinced when you examine the evidence. 

I've written a lot about mind control as there's no way to understand the world without factoring in that a person including politicians and celebrities may be programmed. It happens a lot more than the public would think. Click on the tags below to explore the subject more fully.