Thursday 17 October 2013

@WebsterGTarpley Does A Gnome Chomsky on 9/11 Israeli Denial

Webster Tarpley talks about the 'secret government' and the 'coup faction' responsible for 9/11 in this talk. He even breaks this down further as the 'interface between Wall St and the State Dept, Pentagon and Intelligence Agencies".

What Webster doesn't have the courage to look into is the Zionist dominance of these entities, the Mossad involvement in 9/11, the stated satisfaction of Israeli leaders over 9/11, their boasts of running America and finally the AIPAC control of congress.

We're not saying that Israel runs everything, it's a continuum from Yale Skull & Bones to Wall St, The City of London and Tel Aviv, but until Webster G Tarpley saddles-up and points a finger at Mossad involvement in 9/11, including their collaborative/contributory role in orchestrating the 20 military exercises on that day, he becomes less and less relevant as a historian and has no way of providing a solution to the problem we all face. 

Criminals in charge.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Christopher Hitchens On Thomas Jefferson

Christopher Hitchens talking about his book on Jefferson in Annapolis. It's heavily pregnant with juicy scholarly information such as the US wars on Barbary States of North Africa, Sally Hemmings mixed race proposal to Thomas Jefferson and the Jefferson Bible which works on the sensible suggestion that all the Biblical rubbish is cut out leaving the good bits in. Naturally it's a slim volume.

The full presentation is over at C-SPAN but I can't embed it so I've just posted the audience questions above. The opening words are however extraordinarily memorable on the dehumanising effect that slavery has on the slave owner, not just the slave. 

A theme I may have to return to given I watched both Lincoln and Django Unchained in the last month.

Once again, the only error Hitchen's makes is his catastrophic misunderstanding of  9/11 which was synthetic terror by Mossad and Zionist Neocon criminals and he failed to understand that all terrorism is created by rogue elements of the intelligence agencies.

Jim Fetzer & Jay Weidner - 9/11 & Apollo

You know that the 9/11 hologram hypothesis needs to be taken seriously when Jay starts to talk about it. 

It's an interesting talk but surely the more important issue about 9/11 is not so much what happened (we still don't know) but who.