Wednesday 19 September 2012

Grid of the Gods - Josepeh P. Farrell - Part One

Not so long back I was reading in the New Scientist (an excellent publication unafraid to say science doesn't know) that algorithms are determined by modelling shapes (including 4D and more dimensions) by working out the shortest distance from one corner to another by computing how many sides, corners and surfaces that shape had.

Joseph P Farrell pick up on this computational idea and also highlights the quantum physics mathematically embedded in the pyramids. I can also share that the speed of light is encoded in the pyramids and so the question the investigator must ask themselves is how come the builders of the Pyramids were so sophisticated?

But the point of this post is to plug interdisciplinary thinking. A grasp of linguistics, theology, physics, mathematics, history and archaeology (plus a lot more) is where it's at. You don't need to know it all but you need to have an appreciation to explore larger ideas than football scores, jubilee flag waving and celebrity nipple.

I don't even know what I don't know so much of it is pot luck. Get stuck in.

Zbigniew Brzezinski vs Brent Scowcroft On Libya

I have to check my premises for their structural integrity. People are a lot more complex and multidimensional than black and white but I need to be binary on my own conclusion and judgement with respect to who runs the show. 

Brent Scowcroft is going to be the man I*m going to learn a lot more about. Either I'm right and Scowcroft was fantastically unaware of Bush Senior's criminal genius or I'm wrong. The evidence for Bush Sr's mastermind criminal mind I've already blogged and will continue to blog (there's so much, it's more an open hose than a dripping tap). But Scowcroft has just enough credibility in the tiny thin slice I've taken from watching and listening to him for a couple of hours that I'm going to see if I can prove that his judgement is better than mine.

In the meantime here's Brent arguing against a deluded or deceptive Brzezinski (Benghazi was a set up for NATO intervention but you wouldn't know this listening to Zbig) and as history has shown us Scowcroft's caution has been proven to be right. Couple this with his WSJ Op-Ed where he declared Bush Jr's war on Iraq was unwise and I think he's got just enough credibility and integrity to let me believe there's no way he could have stood by Bush Sr if he knew how criminal the man really is. Unfortunately if I'm wrong, Scowcroft is a criminal and if I'm right Scowcroft isnt' very astute. But that doesn't mean I don't respect him right now. Complex isn't it?

Brent Scowcroft was George HW Bush's National Security Advisor. 

Tuesday 18 September 2012

A Conversation With Brent Scowcroft - Council On Foreign Relations

Brent Scowcroft confirms my view that he's not instrumental in some kind of CIA Mormon Mafia and that he's not as smart as his reputation might suggest in this video conversation. 

That doesn't mean he's not interesting. Aside from having a solid gold elite career as a Trilateralist, National Security Advisor, Kissinger Associates and of course Council on Foreign relations his reputation is good. He fought with the really bad elements of the Bush administration (and eventually fell out with Bush Father and Son over a WSJ Op-Ed advising no Iraq invasion) so his well respected reputation is in some respects deserved and interestingly he was chosen by Obama to choose his national security team, a classic Obama bipartisan move. I'd say Scowcroft is like Jimmy Carter; half unwitting shoe-in, half intelligent and half decent. In the scheme of US politics this is as good as it gets.

His marbles are reasonably well together for his age. He is fairly coherent and has a good recall of his time in office during this interview despite being 80ish. He is pictured above in front of Gerald Ford and with Kissinger. This was when all the Neocons moved into the Whitehouse and was a fascinating time for ponerology or the study of evil.