Wednesday 22 February 2012

Douglas Dietrich - Revelatory History - Part Three

If Wikileaks is the baby food of whistle blowing, Douglas Dietrich is for the hungry who want to move on to solids. Most of our research findings are conjecture and analysis but not in this case. Facts after facts after facts. Enjoy Douglas and his important work.

Would The NSA Shut Down The Powergrid To Blame Anonymous?

For the naive the current fossil fuel-oil energy policy is a psychotic earth raping corporate gravy-train that free energy will break the back of. That's a security risk to backbone-infrastructure business of the U.S. perpetual war, central banking model. It's not called big oil for nothing and like Randy says. Big dogs are kept unusually well fed.

The NSA are saying Anonymous will bring down the power grid. Well if it does go down I say it's the NSA and their spook chums who have the most to benefit. How many pig-trough government salaries and pensions on your tab are you paying for on 9800 Savage Road, Fort Meade, Maryland, 20755? Here's the bit above ground that we can see.

Here's NSA chief lizard General Keith B. Alexander doing one of those scary smiles reptilians have trouble imitating us humans. We're naturals. They aint.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Douglas Dietrich - Revelatory History - Part Two

Douglas Dietrich begins by reminding us that NASA is pure welfare spending for old engineers to retire and not even a coherent story as to why we went to the moon but never set up a scientific base station there (Hint: The moon landing was a Hollywood special, it happened but what we saw was stage directed).

There's some fabulous real history told here of field energy weapons, Tesla and Aum Shinrikyo. Nobody else is telling this stuff. It's top notch whistle blowing. The interviewer isn't very bright, is mind controlled by religion and not particularly aware of the history of the world other than the spoon fed stuff, but he's not too annoying.