Wednesday 23 November 2011

Obama Gets Mic Checked On Police Brutality

Clearly Obama is not a lizard. But he 'aint matching his words and his deeds.

John Lash - Why Not Hunt The Killer Psychopaths?

I haven't thought this hard about the act of murder since reading Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. It's very provocative I need to go back and research ideas of free will and karma before I can make a broader conclusion but certainly on the face of it one should know if one is capable of killing. I am if the context is right such as if it's not personal.

It's a five hour 20 segment recording and I've been looping it for a few days.

Jay Weidner On NASA Deception & Dark Sides Of The Moon

An old interview with Jay from 2009, freshly uploaded to Youtube. I'd never heard the Wiesbaden bomb thing before or even Joseph P. Farrell ever mention it. My first question on that would be 'didn't the German Nazis hate the so called "Jew physics"'? I've no time to interrogate it any further than that but comments always welcome.

Update: Original video censored.