Sunday 11 September 2011

Terence McKenna - The Light In Nature

The creative act is a letting down of the net of human imagination into the ocean of chaos on which we are suspended, and the attempt to bring out of it ideas. 

It is the night sea journey, the lone fisherman on a tropical sea with his nets, and you let these nets down - sometimes, something tears through them that leaves them in shreds and you just row for shore, and put your head under your bed and pray. 

At other times what slips through are the minutiae, the minnows of this ichthyological metaphor of idea chasing. 

But, sometimes, you can actually bring home something that is food, food for the human community that we can sustain ourselves on and go forward." 

~ Terence McKenna -The Light In Nature (1988) Esalen

Saturday 10 September 2011

Tap Dancing on 911

The awful part of changing my mind is the sneaky feeling that most people who remain silent on the subject couldn't care less as long as the economic mirage continues to grow. Hat's off to those who were sacrificed in New York and deep regrets over the million or so that lost their lives in the Mickey Mouse perpetual war on terror. I am so sorry.

The video is a way of coping with the insanity. Enlightenment is a burden not a pleasure.

NASA's Holy Grail Is An Apology From Me

Sorry about slagging you off a lot but I just watched the GRAIL DELTA rocket launch that will position two satellites around the moon. It was online and live with NASA techs feeding information and answering questions during the action. It was brilliant. Thanks for that.

I wont use this occasion to hammer home those Lunar anomalies that cannot be ignored so well done NASA and specifically NASAJPL2 online. That was a real experience for me. I can't wait to reverse CCTV (MoonKAM) the moon from those cameras you're putting up there. 

One last question. 

Half a Billion bucks for two washing machine sized satellites? Just kidding. it'll be worth every cent. I just know it.