Saturday 13 August 2011

Christianity Incorporated

Santos Bonnaci is interviewed by Red Ice Radio and explains in more detail the Vatican's means of deception in order to maintain its grip on the intellectual, legal, spiritual and financial equity of human beings. 

The Vatican has illegitimately claimed authority over man and as it wont disband, it is destined to fall. Thank God.

Friday 12 August 2011

Treat Yourself To Terence

A previously unseen video interview with Terence McKenna just before he was diagnosed with brain cancer has surfaced. Terence is healthy, totally lucid and is interviewed by a person with just enough unfamiliarity of his work to explain to the newcomer his theories on time, compression, the I-Ching, novelty, entheogens, the eschaton, concrescence and much more. 

Hollywood Child Abuse

The normal human reaction is to assume this is still an isolated case. It's not. The elites of our institutions be they the Vatican, Seats of Government, Media, LawDefence and now Hollywood are riddled with an epidemic that a few days research uncovers convincingly.

I'm also convinced we're emerging into a new paradigm of transparency with information surfacing every few days. Feel free to click on the sex abuse tag below for related posts. Via Vigilant Citizen