Thursday 15 October 2009

Rory Sutherland

Advertising is in good shape with Rory at the helm of the IPA. Possibly the best-fun lunch companion a bloke could hope for (or at least he covered my disreputable ass, with deliciously wobbly London Underground noises, while I was bunking off one memorable afternoon from JWT in Docklands). Thanks for doing the, I'm-on-the-tube background-noises-blag, when my boss called to ask where the hell I was Rory.

 Anyway, you can find out for yourselves with this TED video quite why he's a true anarchical thinker. Exactly what we need..... and just in the nick of time.

NB: I also saw Rory speak at the launch of Stephen King's book where he turned up with ostensibly no notes and cleaned up with the crowd in JWT's bar at Knightsbridge. Here's more of one of Adland's best. We're lucky.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Never Hide

Ray-Ban have my absolutely all time favourite brand positioning. Even though I had my Chanel and Ferragamo sunglasses both stolen in Hong Kong in the last four months so I'm currently on the cheapos I bought from Monkgok market though I'm not sure about them. 

The music in the spreadable media above, is my kinda tune too. Does anyone else know the  rationale behind the never hide endline/positioning for a sunglasses brand? I'd be interested to know if I'm way off.

Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change