Thursday 5 July 2007

Public Showers

If you haven't come across Rob Campbell's blog yet I'd always suggest nipping over there and see why getting a good public shower is actually very important to some people. Musings of an opinionated sod is in a class of it's own. Sure he's got a hardcore, vocal and devoted fan club including me; yes he's very funny, generous and seemingly gets no sleep judging by the number of posts he does while holding down an important planning job and being a partner in cynic - a conversation starting company. But more importantly than that he's got a good heart and that counts for something in my book. Go check out this post and see why artists from Australia, Dead Artists from Germany and London Punks are sticking their thinking caps on and jumping in to help out with a mission that is not the usual fare in advertising and planning blogs. Get stuck in. Life is to short to count your worth in the currency of your choice.