Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Tom Hanks - Big

Not my usual choice of movie but one that cropped up in my timeline over the Christmas Break. It's a pleasant movie, of the sort reviewed better elsewhere, but as anyone who has kept a close eye on who produces what, what directors are used, and the actors cast while noting any symbolism used, I was struck by the absence of any checkered floors, all seeing eyes, Boaz and Jachin Pillars, Pyramids, Baphomets, fractured mirrors, mannequins, Monarch butterflies and so forth that 

Of course Tom Hanks went on to do the The Da Vinci code followed up by Angels and Demons which had a different name in the German Market, and some people learned that he was actually playing Jordan Maxwell who taught so many of us the symbolism any enthusiast of reality needs to know in order to deconstruct the constructed reality of: War is Normal, Corporations are people, poverty isn't man made, fluid gender is the way forward, transgender toilets are more important than job creation, transhumanism is an escape from death and grab what you can and step on other because you're only here for a short time.

There's none of that symbolic agenda in Big, in fact it's charmingly naive in its childlike view of the world, but how many have noticed the change now that is the norm in most Hollywood Blockbusters you could probably care to mention? Let's be honest many have no idea at all, though there's no harm in imagining working relationship based on play, curiosity, competition, fun and laughter, collaboration and authenticity as depicted below by Tom Hanks and his visionary boss who eschews the marketing department and creates even greater profits by joining in with Tom Hanks and learning to play.

Update Jan 2020: The entire premise of the movie may be it's abuse link. Tom Hanks has a very disturbing Instagram account and an accuser claims he raped her as a child.

Despicable Me Official - (2010) HD

It sounds cheesy but I'm so weary of Illuminati symbolism in children's content that I assumed Despicable Me was just another in your face subversion of childhood.

The reasons are that it's produced by Illumination Entertainment, the Minions (Masonic Servants) sport a one eyed version and they all carry the Masonic G.

I downloaded the movie to see if I was wrong recently and I was.

The movie starts with an inflatable Pyramid being burst and that serves as a metaphor for what the animation really is. A send up of the Illuminati. In addition we have a caricature of the Dutch William Cornelius Van Duyne who is alleged to be the head of the Illuminati after the 2009 shakeup that reduced the family bloodlines from 13 to 9.

Despicable me is fun entertainment and a lovable animation of cute kids who turn around the evil and criminal Gru from a child hater to a child lover. I recommend it for children and adults alike.

Robert Stanley Interviewed by Randy Maugans

Robert Stanley is responsible for one of my favourite and most useful interviews on this blog. Here he is interviewed by Randy Maugans about the mind parasites that afflict the unknowing so frequently. It's worth knowing about the mind parasites.

For quite some time I've been asking myself, if the pyramid symbology is fairly accurate, ie we live in a top down, tightly controlled hierarchical human farm, then who or what is the eye in that pyramid. This is a question that David Icke never answers.

Robert says the answer is Enki or Lucifer, though this entity has many names. He has come to this conclusion through personal experience and a lot of research based on Wes Penre's work.