At last a real SAS and a real man telling the truth. I've been going on for years now about how the news just tells lies about why we do things and stays silent when we do U turns with friends and enemies on the battlefield.
Listen for yourself. This is an amazing speech.
Ben Griffin gets it. I hope you get it too and share it with people who need to get it before they bleed to death or shoot someone in the face for rich white men.
All of it. Not some of it. All of it is bollocks and we are mugs for swallowing their brainwashing.
This is an excellent British production on the conspiracy to kill Kennedy. I'm working my way through all nine parts and not all are useful but this episode actually interviews some of the assassins or mechanics, as they are known in the trade, and provides photographic evidence the Warren Commission either ignored or did not know about
Quite a few international teams were used to murder Kennedy. They didn't know the architect of the assassination that hired them (though some can guess), but a more detailed breakdown is available over at Veterans Today of the key assassins and people involved.
The only reason I am posting about Kennedy is because the 50th anniversary is next week, and it's very clear how much we lost through his murder by the criminal establishment.
It's my way of paying my respects because we will get to the bottom of this tumour on mankind, though it's a lot lot deeper than many are capable of dealing with.