Sunday, 6 October 2013

John Judge - Judge For Yourself

John Judge was the heir to Mae Brussell's research collection. I don't know why he doesn't do much presenting any more but there are gold nuggets of information scattered through the recorded work he has done. Much of this video was made prior to people knowing where the internet was going.

I particularly like the background information on the Reagan assassination attempt including the power struggle and the use of a flechette bullet that the FBI quietly confiscated and lost. I also like the idea of the Bush and Reagan camps arguing it out between each other and Hague and Bush taking over while putting Reagan out to grass.

50 Material Witnesses To JFK Were Murdered

People who aren't prepared to interrogate the corporate media, are it seems, mostly frightened to deal with the consequences. Is it because they know their entire reality falls apart if they are running round the corporate hamster wheel day in, and day out for a conciousness that is largely fictitious?

Perhaps many people would have to consider hanging themselves if forced to confront what they have loyally breast-fed on? I'm sure a similar feeling is felt from those who emerged from the Nazi youth or Zionist racism. Reality is not for the faint of heart. 

Better to put the head in the sand maybe.

Not Richard Belzer however. 

He has taken a different approach to the murder of JFK by the war machine and money concentration establishment. Sure the CIA were involved, sure the Mossad too, even the East Coast establishment, Mafia and US military all had a hand in it. 

But you can get bogged down with too many questions when an easy way to reassure yourself of the conspiracy is too examine the 50 material witnesses that died to keep the lid on the JFK murder.

My own favourite string puller in the cabal who murdered JFK is Allen Dulles

His hands drip blood.

Listen to the above interview. It's excellent apart from a misguided additional view that Libya needed to be bombed to save a million lives. 

That's total TV brainwashing. 

Libya is a failed country now after the love bombs by NATO and 30000 killed to make it that way.. safe for Israel.

Israeli Nazis & Their Concentration Camps In The Negev Desert


Max Blumenthal's latest interview with Democracy Now was shocking to me. I hadn't appreciated before the spiralling racism in Israel and that they are herding people in the Negev desert into what they (not us) call concentration areas AKA camps. Most depressing is how young people are increasingly seeing racism and violence against non Jews as normal.

The powers that be (those above national borders) are mocking and manipulating Israelis into racism that will end badly if they don't wake up. After demonizing and persecuting their forefathers they have shown the world that any people can be made to do anything through cultural programming even if it insults a history of suffering. 

This is clear manipulation and designed to replace suffering with hate.

Congratulations Israel and silent Jews all round the world. You fell for it again, and now we are going to have to mop up the mess you leave behind and hope the cycle of violence isn't repeated.

You depress me. (Part Two of Max Blumental's Interview Below)