Sunday, 4 August 2013

The League of Arab Zombies | The Arab Traitors

As long as the House of Saud is the franchise holder for the city of Mecca there's an open festering wound in the heart of Islam. Like the management of both the Vatican and Jerusalem they defile the purpose of religion and those least able to see it are the religious.

Of course Saudi Arabia are an installed regime by the Western powers. There's even good cause to question if the despicable House of Saud (with their degenerate lives) are Crypto Zionists because both Saudi and Israel have such an unbelievably tight relationship.

However drilling down further into the vultures circling over Syria we have a Sunni majority clustered around the Western backed Petromonarchies. In principle the dandier looking Arabs in 'Prada' Sheik gear with white turbans and robes are, by and large the most corrupt element of Islam. They are happy to murder the Shiite minority to save their own necks.

Shame on them for propping up a world of violence. 

Shame on the West for thinking so short term. 

Shame on Israel for forgetting within half a century that they too were once victimized. 

Shame on you all.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

The History of SEO

I'm spending a lot more time on SEO these days. This new presentation is a good history of the topic and even though it's a hundred slides it can be read in ten minutes. Maybe twenty if you're not a fast reader.

Friday, 2 August 2013

American Ninja Warrior - Not All TV Is Evil

I'm horrified by the toxic corporate news media and violence on TV. They program people to tolerate as normal the unacceptable. For two years I've been pointing out that London, D.C, Tel Aviv and Saudi have been bleeding Syria dry, using Al Qaeda for a number of reasons that have nothing to do with promoting democracy.

Most people haven't noticed the media narrative changing in Syria because as long as their comfortable living is maintained what does it matter if MI6 and the CIA destabilized the country to let the psychopaths in and break it up.

However, I had the good fortune to watch more TV than I've seen in years a few nights ago and it was great fun. 

The series is called American Ninja Warrior and if we excuse the two douche bag hosts with botox driven commentary I was reminded that Americans can be among the best and most liked people in the world. All the contestants were fabulous and watching them going through their paces was good entertainment.

It's important to spot the poison on TV but equally it's only fair to point out when it does something right.