Saturday, 13 April 2013

The Hypocrisy of the Arab World In Syria

It needs to be repeated a number of times before the penny drops that NATO, Saudi, Israel and Qatar are the jackals bleeding Syria to death. The corporate media are selling Al Qaeda 12th century beheading types in Syria because it's the road to Iranian oil and NATO is bankrupt. What you or I think of Syria's Assad is neither here nor there although I've been a critic since the 90's.

This is why people who are slaves to truth and reality can stand up and call the Israelis and Saudis out along with London and Washington as disgusting psychopaths. It's called reality and like George Galloway nobody likes to deal with it as you can see when the so called Arab who walks out on George in this devastating clip.

In Memory Of Tom Hurndall of Manchester - Israeli Sniper Headshot While Protecting Children

Ten years ago today Tom Hurndall was shot in the head by an Israeli sniper while rescuing children. Remember that next time you meet a young Israeli who has served national service with the IDF (Israeli Defence Force (actually attack force)) and is now on holiday enjoying that cocktail with you. 

Remember Tom. Remember Rachel.

Conspiracy Classics - Eustace Mullins - Idaho 1991

As you can tell I'm still excited that I discovered Eustace Mullins research confirms George HW Bush's covert work for the CIA long before he claimed he'd never worked there even while being sworn in as Director of CIA under President Ford. 

Why would George Bush Senior lie about this detail? 

Perhaps he was involved in the assassination of JFK as we know he was in Dallas on the day of the murder.

Eustace does have some weaknesses. He's homophobic, doesn't understand that Wall Street owns both parties, and he's pro Joe McCarthy. So apart from being a bit foolish on some things, his lifelong research into the Federal Reserve and who did what and why with whose money is absolute gold. 

I will only post the presentations that I think hit the spot.