Monday, 13 August 2012

Most Of Planet Meet For Peace Alternative To Hillary Clinton's Warmongering - Corporate Media Silent

30 nations including China, Indonesia and Russia are meeting in Tehran to find peaceful alternatives to the NATO warmongering and terrorist sponsoring in Syria. The Western corporate media is silent as ever because there's a lot of military industrial complex money riding on destabilizing Syria (like Libya was brought down) and the corporate for-profit media have no incentive in telling the full story.

It's important and valuable to the pluralist thinker in these twilight days of Western materialist fetishism to seek alternative and contrarrian points of view from places like Press TV, Tehran Times and Russia Today. 

Ron Paul On CIA Drug Trafficking

It takes a little getting used to this idea so it's worth repeating once a day till it sticks in the episodic memory and/or long term memory.  The idea that the secret services (including MI6 I can add) run the global drug trade sounds like the sort of thing the corporate media would smear as a conspiracy theory to teach the gullible public what to question and what not to question. 

Anyway here it is and I can talk at length about this subject but it's quite far down the list of real secrets. The spooks sell drugs to fund their black operations. Those are the real secrets if you dig around a bit. Particularly the tech end that keeps us reliant on oil and the conflict that arises from it.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Operation Gladio - NATO False Flag Terror Operations

There's a misconception that NATO would never do anything other than above board military action. 

That's naive. 

Right from its establishment after WWII, NATO has used false flag terror to secure its own position and disseminate the idea that the European people are under attack and thus helpless without the strong arm of military crackdowns. It's well worth researching Gladio to understand how fear is used against peaceful populations to direct energy in negative ways.

This BBC programme is of a nature that cannot be found in contemporary programming. Somebody had the foresight to record it on video and the generosity to upload it. No account of Europe or E.U. elite manipulation is complete without it. 

You will see the many hands of the invisible body that washes itself including the SAS, Special Branch, P2 Masonic Lodge and former Prime Ministers of Italy and senior CIA (OSS) officials. This is as good as it gets in video research. Unbeatable.