Sunday, 19 February 2012

Family Guy Joins The Muppet Meme Against Warmongering Psychos

As forecast, the control system is collapsing under the weight of it's own absurdity. This killer-funny Family Guy sketch nails the U.S. media toxicity in spades. First the Muppets take on Fox News and now Family Guy slams the US/UK/Israeli warmongering machine to the wall. People are waking up big-time to the deception.

I said back in 2009 that Family Guy clips are so good that it's insanity to remove them from Youtube. If Rupert Murdoch had a clue about marketing he'd upload thousands of these and let them rake the attention dollar in for nothing.

Trigger Happy American Corporate Media Lying About Iran

Why is the corporate media talking up war? Could it be they make money out of the military industrial complex commercial ties to media and war profiteering? Even the United States of America head of Department of Defence Leon Panetta has said that Iran has no nukes. I would feel much happier if Iran had some nuclear capability to stabilise the region. I'm on Iran's side if the US create war again.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Sean Penn Is Right. Only Meat Puppet Paratroopers Will Fight For The Malvinas

You and I don't get to share in the vast resources the Falklands are sitting on, we're the ones who get our hospitals, schools and libraries closed down. The Argentine owned oil that the Malvinas are sitting on will go to the city bankers, elite bloodlines and all the other military industrial complex govcorp toadies who want to send your sons to spill their blood for further elite wealth acquisition.

Surely only a meat puppet would fight to fill the pockets of these wankers? That's all Sean Penn is trying to point out to the jingoistic chauvinist flash mob assembling around the topic.

What about the islanders? Ticket back or change of passport. 

Change is the only constant. Enough killing and being killed on behalf of the elites with their hands on the printing presses. Let them go instead and do the fighting. Ordinary people need to walk away from this one.