Sunday 20 November 2011

How Did John Wayne Brainwash US Citizens To Consume But Not Care?

Nobody is doing finer 20 minute pieces to camera analysis without a tele-prompter than the great David Icke. With nothing more than an iconic symbol behind his back he first strips the lady bare of her freedom simulacra and illuminati connection to masonic-Paris, and then moves on to a withering critique of the Department of Attack blindly known as the Department of Defence in the occult shaped building known as the Pentagon. Hidden in plain sight as the in-crowd put it.

#OWS - Unbiased And Unmatched Reporting You Need To Listen To

Obviously the corporate media have done a lousy job of reporting the occupy movement but I must impress upon you that the alternative media who are largely composed of web-cam news desk and blog-writing armchair-strategists (myself included) are completely confused by it all wanting to see conspiracy inside the protesters ranks and indeed the protestors are under constant attack by outside groups including the Democrats who have tried to crush the movement when their efforts to co-opt failed.

Alex Jones came out with some uncharacteristic pluralist analysis the other day that I applaud, but so far this is the best interview by two people who know a lot more than most of us are able to get our heads around. 

However they keep it simple and explain the points the ill informed public most needs to know. Watch it or remain silent on the matter.

Terence McKenna - Nine Recorded Hours Of True Hallucinations

I seem to recall listening to this 9 hour recording earlier this year in 15 minute chunks on Youtube before losing the plot line one too many times, due to occasional nodding off. Eventually I downloaded the pdf book off the net and read it to fill in the gaps I had no chance of identifying. 

It's very much about the young McKenna but between him and his brother Denis they experience something I don't think anyone else has described elsewhere though I have heard William Henry talk about the glowing blue electrolytic skin effect that Terence experienced during a sexual encounter he had on this trip. So there's a comparative mythology Stargate episode here but other than that it's unique and very possibly important though Dennis prefers to downplay the episode he is in some chapters the star of the story.

I've written more about it back here.