Thursday 10 November 2011

Cops Beating Cal Students

I've noticed that the Youtube video count doesn't reflect the real number of views with videos that are important. One can tell by the number of comments cueing as one writes a comment pointing towards the volume of viewers, and also by reloading the video and seeing the number is static. The game is rigged folks.

The War On Drugs Explained By Graham Hancock

Drugs can mean a lot of things so use a little intelligence. Graham Hancock is author of the splendid book Fingerprint of the Gods and all round top fella.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Bangkok Earthquakes & Webbots With Clif High & Suzanne Toro

Slightly disconcertingly and in addition to the forecast of semi permanent flooding it appears a Bangkok earthquake isn't too far of a stretch either, and is outlined in the first part of this interview with Clif High. I've familiarized myself with the 'triangle of life' zones here over six months ago, but it's a good thing to brush up on them if you're unaware of the most simple and effective life saving manoeuvre a person can acquaint themselves with in the event of an earthquake. It only takes a few minutes.

The interview is again top notch and we even learn that Clif is familiar with the Mayan calendar mural part of the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. 

I wonder if he knows about that the Federal Reserve building lease expiring on the winter solstice of 2012? The plot thickens.