Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Something And Nothing

When Lawrence Krauss made this presentation for the non existence of a designer (God) his assumptions are based on information that doesn't travel faster than light but that's changed in the last week so I don't need to make my case for semantic confirmation bias that I say he uses here and which is philosophical (not mathematical) and no stronger or weaker than his case. However Lawrence is still brilliant and one of the best arguments I've come across for a Godless Universe. It is essential to the debate.

Mark Dice, Shapeshifting Cephalopoda, David Icke & Reptilians

Self styled researcher and wannabe media pundit Mark Dice who specialises in conspiracies theories decided to attack his colleague in the conspiracy movement David Icke with an ad hominem assault on his character and research work on shapeshifting reptilians. This would have been more credible if he had done his homework and had a counter argument to John Lash's archons, Zecharia Sitchins' Annunaki, William Bramley's God's of Eden, Dr Jack Pruett, Stewart Swerdlow, Marshall Klarfeld and a whole lot more. He should also look at natures example of the subject as above.

I've written about this topic before and I'm much more interested in  David Icke's work in organised ritual child abuse at elite levels of society than shapeshifting reptilians but I think after this 'honour to meet you' interview that Mark Dice made when interviewing David Icke a few years ago it's safe to assume that I'm tasked with introducing his two faces to each other.

Joe Rogan, Graham Hancock & 1000 Feet Waves

@joerogan might be a comedian but I've loved every serious subject he's ever talked about. Somebody needs to write a thoughtful TV show for him to present and just send him around the world talking to interesting people. Graham Hancock is a national treasure.