Thursday, 18 August 2011

William Henry - Star Walkers

Of all the researcher book-writing types who struggle to make a living from the esoteric  field without resorting to palm reading or selling lucky amulets I think William Henry is one of the most serious and interesting speakers. His forte I reckon is to examine fantastic notions in terms of historical record or precedent. He does a great job.

His latest work on light people should by my reckoning make him in a near deity within the New Age circuit though I never hear them discuss issues by interrogating their validity. You're a unicorn? Fine I am an avatar. That kind of rigour.

This is quite an old interview. Henrik Palmgren is noticeably less polished than now, which tells me he works hard to be the good interviewer he currently is.

I Thought The English Love Animals (Why Blame The Rioters)

Stefan Molyneux breaks down the primary social dynamics that breed human animals which for  reasons still unclear, the Soy Latte and Pret a Manger classes only learned of their existence a week ago. The emergence of a feral, violent, angry and nihilist underclass they've been living with has taken the pampered classes by surprise.

It takes a considerable amount of self centred concentration to edit that kind of reality out.

We've been saying for a decade or so that the Chavs are being bred for a good enlisted war which as we're on the subject, and as Stefan points out, the violence of the riots are pantomine compared to the violence that the UK prosecutes abroad in war after war for  a hypnotized style of life.

I don't like these people who rampaged but everything is connected and ignoring eternal truths leads to suffering.