Sunday, 31 July 2011

Nassim Harramein - Physics As You Go


I was listening to Stephen Hawking's sidekick Leonard Mlodinow being interviewed a couple of nights ago lamely defending CERN smashing stuff up to see what happens even though the standard model we currently use works just fine. He compared it to discovering antibiotics when any cretin can figure out the first people to confiscate the technology will be the Pentagon to blow even more shit up. In a world where famine is still rampant I'm appalled that materialist science is selfish, dumb and dangerous. (The Standard model is Lego for Freemasons but let's not give the kids a the bulldozers till more urgent problems are solved).

In contrast Nassim Harramein's latest presentation on a physics is exciting, forward thinking and spiritually integrated. His humorous and engaging style is refreshing with wry observations that in the world of conventional physics nothing actually touches each other at an atomic level. I'd love to see him and Maurice Cotterell discuss their respective understanding of the universe. They generally tip toe around each other's ideas but don't always agree.

Update: I was listening to a book review of How the Hippies Saved Physics and I understand Hawkins 'caved' to Susskind in which case it's unfair to describe him as a sidekick.

Kubrick's Attention To Detail


It's frustrating that around the globe hundreds of Kubrick fans laud his attention to detail and yet gloss over the relentless symbolism in his movies confirming his NASA appointment to film the moon landings. Endless debates discussing the lingerie and ignoring the sex. It's the greatest money shot ever missed.

That Eye of Providence as used by Andy McDowell in Clockwork Orange for example. In a world with Eyes Wide Shut I can only encourage fans to Google Jay Weidner and Kubrick to understand the man. Jay doesn't mind a little hyperbole to rile those who fear most the Easter eggs Kubrick dropped into his movies, but his analysis is the authoritative big picture. 


Saturday, 30 July 2011

Are Crop Circles Information Warfare?

There are many levels to desconstructing the information tiers of crop formations such as sacred geometry, location, timing and these need to be interwoven with the consistent themes of DNA, magnetism, field shift and so on. There's plenty of solid work on the subject on the net, but one hypothesis I have is that the genius of crop circles is at one level it's benevolent propaganda aimed at nature loving human beings i.e. 'we're here, we're non interventionist, non confrontational, natural, intelligent, sustainable, concerned and don't trust your leadership to have private dialogue'. (Given the proximity of radio telescopes they often form close to).

But on the other side it's also like symbolism warfare. There's a level of disinformation going with MI5 having a hand in making some of these crop formations  thus muddying the waters. We also don't know what technology they have hidden away to do so.

What makes this Devizes crop formation so interesting to me is the proximity to the alien smoking the pipe of peace one a few days ago. Both are unusual and rely on known visual identities that are open to interpretation, but this all seeing eye above as emblazoned on the dollar bill and representing the dominance of masonic influence is also a Vesica Piscis notably framed within the triangle and so I'm not sure who made it. I do believe it's purpose is to unsettle one of my hypothetical sides. I wonder if there's an underground military base near Devizes in Wiltshire?

BINGO. Just did a search and there's an underground based at RAF Rudloe Manor near Corsham. I'd be watching that space closely.