Monday, 16 May 2011


In 1994 I was back in the UK after a few years abroad and too broken hearted to think about working again so I did a University degree instead in marketing and design. I don't know if my dreams were broken specificically but if being innocent of tragedy is a dream then I had mine thoroughly shattered into more pieces than I could ever have imagined.

I was 25 in June of that year and actually I knew of David Icke's name as he was a former sports presenter who lived on the Isle of Wight close to my home in Hampshire. My school peers who all love football (yawn) knew him far better than I, and were at first gob smacked by his messianic mission. Then to a man they ridiculed him mercilessly. His name was a cliched joke for 'losing the plot'. Even though I had no idea what the exact details were until only recently.

It's odd really because I wasn't ready for David Icke even a few months ago and yet if I'd been asked to watch the video above at any time in my life, even as a young child, there isn't a single thing in it I'd disagree with. Actually it's quite environmentally political and there isn't a razor thin gap of light between my views on the matter and David's. It's a stirring piece too. Before its time.

However, David's got some information that he knows continues to make him ridiculed. He was told by all his friends when he was going to publish his book called the 'The Biggest Secret' to say everything except the one subject that people can't handle. It's the one about the annunaki, or the archons, or the reptilions or the non humans as Princess Diana insisted, and it's fair to say not many people can get their heads around transdimensional manipulation throughout history and along historical bloodlines. It's a head fuck so no point sugaring the pill, but to David's credit he's not flinched from having the piss taken out of him, and so if that information sends you a bit wobbly, I suggest rewinding the clock a bit back to this video gem from 1994 by the man, because I can't imagine there's a single line in it that doesn't make sense to a normal human being.

Unless you've got your head up your arse in which case there's very little we can do.

Chris Langan

Chris Langan has an IQ of 210 and works in a bar. I didn't think he'd actually have anything interesting to say but across a good spread of issues he's totally on the money. Why we are ruled by brain dead CEO's, the control stuff, conciousness, God and lots lots more. I don't think he's heard specifically of Pandeism but he seems to have got close to the general principle off his own back which is my kinda intellect. I'd love to shoot the breeze with this guy. I could learn a lot.

Chris Hitchens Believes the 911 Commission Report

Chris Hitchens is on the ropes. Intellectually he's still clinging onto the totally discredited 911 commission report which was subject to Pentagon manipulation and deception and all the usual controls such as ignoring building 7 that have been rolled out as commission standard operational procedure since that coup d'etat JFK killing. 

Apparently the only person who believes his government these days is Hitchins who prefers to attack Professor Chomsky with a first paragraph that ignores Noam's Jewish roots and smears him through association with other people (David Shayler) who are unconnected. Is it a last loyal attempt to collect his CIA disinformation pay cheque? That's the only reason I can find to explain his silly foolishness. History will prove him wrong and he only needs to hang in for a few more months to see that. Time though is not on his side and that goes in his favour when talking such nonsense though to be absolutely fair to the entire article some of his later comments on Chomksy are not inaccurate though they are despicably mean and say lots about a man who is at a loss for words when they aren't insulting. I've noticed his modus operandi is to attack people through ad hominen slurs rather than civil discourse. Shame on him.

Christopher Hitchins threw his towel in with the Neocon nazis and refuses to take responsibility for the million or so deaths as a result of that. Call it half a million if you wish it's still unconscionable but Hitchins is blind to his own responsibility and until he mans up, his words are cheap. The US is a diminished country as a result of the people that Hitchin's carries the flag for.

I've also just been reminded that Hitchens himself wrote shortly after 9/11 that it paled in comparison to "Crimes of the Empire." Just before his miraculous conversion to the Church of State.  Lets assume the boys from the three letter agencies paid him a visit and he's singing their tune.