Monday 17 October 2011

Is David Cameron A Lizard?

Charlie Brooker of The Guardian takes the plunge and is the first to inform the British public of the inconceivable truth. His twitter crowd are unfollowing him in unprecedented droves unable to comprehend the magnitude of this news. An expected response in this seminal and breaking story. Unmissable.

For further analysis of the ancient bloodlines extending back to the blue blooded Sumerian Anunnaki as opposed to human red bloodlines, click on the reptilian tags below.

Sunday 16 October 2011

1984 & Brave New World

I've been meaning to download the John Hurt interpretation of Winston Smith in George Orwell's 1984 for some time as I've not seen it since it was released in the eponymous year. However somebody recently uploaded this early British Peter Cushing and Donald Pleasence version and at the same time I learned there's a full length version of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and so I'm posting them both after watching the Orwell.

It's always worth contemplating that both Huxley and Orwell were cut from similar Etonian fabric, were privy to Fabian Society inner secrets and both happened to have written the most prescient totalitarian books ever. You might call that a coincidence but like P.W. Bridgeman I believe a coincidence is what you have left over when one applies a bad theory. More on those slightly inexplicable Orwell and Huxley connections on a previous  post I wrote over here.

Citbank Arrests #OWS Customers For Closing Accounts

Barely days after Citibank CEO Vikram Pandit talked about his sympathies with Occupy Wall Street and his willingness to engage with protesters, a Citibank in New York locked the doors of their branch and arrested a group of Citibank account holders who wished to to close their accounts. It's clear that Citibank are terrified that a few accounts closing will lead to a run on their bank. It would only take a small percentage of account holders to prove that Citibank is an economic hologram and like much of the financial sector, including the privately owned Federal Reserve, is desperately hiding how weak it is. The 99% are waking up and realise they've been duped, fleeced,conned and bullied for far too long.

Vikram Pandit, like all corporate psychopaths is clinically devoid of human empathy and necessarily has a relentless ability to justify corporate greed, as exemplified by his salary stock options and bonuses. There will be no Citibank/Vikram Pandit full apology and there will be no hint of confused embarrassment at the corporate or individuals inability to reconcile arresting law abiding customers on premises with wishing to engage the occupy movement just a few days before. 

It's a PR disaster of Greek tragedy proportions and the kind of paranoid reflexive action we're learning to expect, much like the NYPD macing defenceless women that unveils how scared the machine is of the 99% and how close the matrix is to collapsing.