Showing posts with label russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label russia. Show all posts

Saturday 7 January 2012

Russia's Hottest Photographer

Lana is on official notice not to post photographs from a Russian rocket development centre where she snuck in and took a bunch of photographs. More here.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

I Am Russian Spy

Victor Suvorov is a former spy who now lives in the UK. Here is the fourth part of a presentation to the U.S. Naval academy. It's an amazing smoke filmed rooms portrayal of Stalin's mind but right at the end (and that's why I start on the last part) he lays it square to the U.S.

He doesn't say it directly but like I've been saying to the West for years now indirect communication is an art form and this is an unambiguous message to the alert.

Friday 20 May 2011

OK That's Enough. Who Cloned Bin Laden?

You need a sense of humour to handle the amount of disinformation that is out there and so I wont burden you with my hypothetical cloning stories that would explain all the Bin Ladin deaths that Dr Joseph P Farrell points out here are too well documented to accept the latest version on prima facie evidence. 

I recommend you to listen to Dr. Joseph's latest Youtube update above, and check out his website because with a doctorate from Oxford and refreshing modesty, his nuanced interpretation of global geopolitical posturing is a lot more useful than the agenda driven media. In fact he teases apart that media posturing in this video with respect to Russia, Pakistan the United States and Bin Ladin. It's for the win.