Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Tuesday 18 September 2012

A Conversation With Brent Scowcroft - Council On Foreign Relations

Brent Scowcroft confirms my view that he's not instrumental in some kind of CIA Mormon Mafia and that he's not as smart as his reputation might suggest in this video conversation. 

That doesn't mean he's not interesting. Aside from having a solid gold elite career as a Trilateralist, National Security Advisor, Kissinger Associates and of course Council on Foreign relations his reputation is good. He fought with the really bad elements of the Bush administration (and eventually fell out with Bush Father and Son over a WSJ Op-Ed advising no Iraq invasion) so his well respected reputation is in some respects deserved and interestingly he was chosen by Obama to choose his national security team, a classic Obama bipartisan move. I'd say Scowcroft is like Jimmy Carter; half unwitting shoe-in, half intelligent and half decent. In the scheme of US politics this is as good as it gets.

His marbles are reasonably well together for his age. He is fairly coherent and has a good recall of his time in office during this interview despite being 80ish. He is pictured above in front of Gerald Ford and with Kissinger. This was when all the Neocons moved into the Whitehouse and was a fascinating time for ponerology or the study of evil.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Saturday 8 September 2012

I Am Terrified of Mitt Romney

The Increasingly Creepy American Political Mirror

I just think there's a sickness when both sides are unable to see the lies that their heroes are capable of. Worse is that the broken promises Obama has made will most be felt when he's out of office. They're freedom and liberty issues that are baked in Nazi oven think tanks and secret societies. He might not use those laws but do you think the GOP are less inclined to use military arrests?

Friday 7 September 2012

Mitt Romney's Mom

The video keeps getting removed so make your mind up if you're interested to watch it now. 

Yesterday I was reminded that most politicians in Washington have sexual scandal being used to blackmail them. I originally  heard it in some MKULTRA interviews but the content was so shocking I didn't want to quote it but yesterday was a pretty tame interview that made it clear that the allegations are true.

Why do I mention this? Well because Mitt gives me the creeps. Whatever it is he's interested in it's not the well being of normal people and I sense there's a different agenda that pushes him to do things that no decent person could ignore.

But all said and done his Mom comes across as a decent person. However, I also read earlier that his father George Romney was heavily involved with CIA MK ULTRA.

This is not an endorsement for Democrats. Both sides are owned by Wall Street.

Straight Shootin' Putin

There is no more straight talking politician than Vladmir Putin. I've listened to a lot of his speeches including a very important one at the 43rd Munich Security Conference where he acknowledged that the Western world isn't run by it's surface politicians. There's his 4 hour Q&A with the Russian people for the hardcore analysts or the nuclear weapons statement at the Sarov Nuclear Research Centre that I wrote about long before the corporate media decided Pussy Riot was the most important geopolitical lever on the table. But for the time starved just listen to his John McCain observation. You can tell a lot about this man in a short amount of time. He's straight, I know exactly where I am with his words and he's a man a serious person can do business with unlike the duplicitous West and their lackey media.

Lately even the The Guardian and The New Statesman have fallen into line behind the spineless William Hague in portraying Russia in a negative light due to the Pentagon's fury at their refusal to let NATO do another Gadaffi snuff movie in Syria.

We can talk about the nitty gritty of journalism in Russia but to watch the sheeple go off on one about Pussy Riot proves the irrelevancy of most's people grasp of foreign policy or their inability to discern that the corporate media just tell lies to justify their warmongering.

Don't believe me? Do the homework and get stuck in. When Putin speaks I listen. Cameron or whoever is pretending to run France these days don't get that respect. Not from me.

4 White Rolls 80p 6 White Rolls 60p (Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad)

I love @chunkymark rants on Youtube. Politically he always nails it and from time to time I am rolling around laughing my nuts off. The end of this video a great example.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Hillary For President - No Not That One, This One

Hillary Mann Leverett talks optimistically about the new U.N. peace broker in Syria Lakhdar Brahimi. If our corporate media weren't so reliant on war machine sales this woman would be on the TV screen 24/7. She's great.

Monday 3 September 2012

The de Antonio Legacy - Part Four

Emile de Antonio died a few weeks after this interview. He is a great American and his work lives on. I learned he was a wing commander in the United States Air Force. To become an artist and documentary maker later in life is quite remarkable and it's easy to see why the FBI (The Secret Police) and John Edgar Hoover specifically hated him and what he stood for.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Bill Clinton - His Iran Contra Firewall

A good little documentary general refresher on Bill Clinton's crimes while Governor of Arkansas. Update: Original video censored.

At 24.45 we learn how Bill's media advisor Larry Nichols was fired by Bill Clinton for Nicaraguan Contra fundraising. We know from testimony that Bill Clinton used Mena Airport in Arkansas to ship cocaine in for the Bush run CIA outfit involved in the Iran Contra scandal. Here we learn that even though he has a like minded crook on his team Bill Clinton was shrewd enough to keep him well away from the larger crime activity connected to the smaller crime activity.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

The Talented Mr Obama

Because I'm unattached to a political ideology other than my own view of the world I don't like getting sucked into endless criticism of politicians. I prefer to look at the good and the bad sides of all candidates. Now I admit that's tough to do looking at the arseholes the GOP fronts but I try.  If it was just me and Romney on a desert island I'd talk to the guy for sure.

However this little clip on Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama is fairly accurate from my research. I don't think there's anything in it to demand he is removed from the Whitehouse They all lie don't they? Barry has a very colourful past. It's his drone executions and persecution of whistleblowers and backtracking on campaign promises that are unacceptable to the person who cares about actions not words. Liberals are two faced in this respect. Like Republican flag wavers they are two faced Do Gooders up for the most massive compromises.

So fuck you both poor saps......OK, just kidding but c'mon. They're on the same team.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Family of Secrets - The Bush Dynasty's JFK Coverup

After Russ Baker's Family of Secrets revealed George H.W. Bush couldn't remember his whereabouts on the day of JFK's assassination (hint: It was Dallas) the Bush family realised it was a failure of memory that doesn't work as everyone in the world who was around that day remembers the exact task they were doing as they found out. 

To cover this deception a new one had to be written and it's covered in this interview with Russ about his book. Barbara Bush is recruited to drum up a story that also doesn't stand up under scrutiny.

Russ Baker's Family of Secrets is the only American political book I'd recommend people to read. And I've read most of the important post world war biographies.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Webster Tarpley Pokes Austrian Economics Up A Libertarians Ass

Only a bumhole would mistake me for a Libertarian. I have said this explicitly but repetition  can assist the confused reader. Party politics are dead. People who run for politics are the least suited to manage our affairs, and coloured flag wavers deserve the politicians they get.

The above debate is well worth the time invested. I disagree with Tarpley on some of his international analysis but for domestic U.S. politics he's the most joined up thinker I've come across.

Monday 23 July 2012

Leftfield - Leftism

Track 10 - Open Up - Burn Hollywood Burn, Take Down Tinsel Town, Take Down To The Ground - John Lydon PiL remix.

Friday 3 February 2012

Casino Lobbyists & Well Funded Hate

This Real News Network segment discusses how a small number of American Jewish billionaires are promoting a hawkish, aggressively pro-Israel stance which is at odds with the anti-war, anti-neocon views of many Jewish voters. The interviewee, Max Blumenthal, points out that this concerted, well-funded effort to direct American policy risks playing into anti-Semitic stereotypes.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Smack... @PennyRed Slaps Harriet Baldwin About A Bit

It's grotesque watching a mother and politician defend child violence while her adversary Penny Red demolishes every hollow position she takes. Harriet Baldwin MP is too old (and intellectually rotten) to learn that the police provoked the Tottenham riots by shooting an innocent man dead. Penny Red is too young to remind her of this when Baldwin uses her age and mother status to defend the violence.

Follow Penny on Twitter here.!/pennyred

Tuesday 10 January 2012

George Galloway on British Hypocrisy - More Tea Vicar?

There are only a handful of true patriots in the British political system. A smattering of voices who stand up and are counted while the population drives to work in blood oil and consumes itself silly at the expense of other parts of the world. George Galloway was smeared by the press as he stood up to a U.S. Congressional Committee regarding the invasion of Iraq. Well we all know he was right now but mainstream media isn't obliged to apologise because it does what it is told. George is no longer a voice in politics but he is a political voice and you ignore the uncomfortable truth at your own peril. More later after I've listened to them and parsed the marmalade for you. So to speak.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

The Wizard Of Oz - A Political Allegory For Our Times


It's worthwhile recalling that the Wizard of Oz is an allegory about spineless politicians (the lion), heartless industrialists (the tin man) and stupid farmers (the scarecrow). It could be argued that the farmers who sold their land to the industrialists for bargain basement prices in the first (synthetic) recession are no longer, but I think the most important thing is that the Wizard of Oz is a real but frightened entity behind a curtain. 

Contrary to the views of mainstream media and their loyal viewers, that smear conspiracy realists while neglecting to report on Wall Street Protests while Yahoo block emails on the subject, there really is an hierarchical group of beings who manipulate our species in pursuit of their own selfish aims. We're a little apathetic when being screwed over, preferring to believe that authority has our best interests at heart. I say we have a virus and the evidence is overwhelming.

Monday 2 January 2012

Rupert Murdoch Hearts Santorum

The tragic free fall of the United States continues at a breathless pace. Humour is seeing us through these darkest hours as Rick Perry falls out of the race for stupidity and now Santorum's divisive and anti-homosexual stance has the fulling support of Rupert Murdoch who is backing Santorum.

As I have said before

Rupert Murdoch is a King maker and the Republicans will divide the U.S. by dividing the humans in it along petty issues of gender preferences based on biblical texts that were written by Archontic non human forces.

Rupert Murdoch Joins Twitter

The epitome of hypocrisy for me is to whine about the system and then take part in it with a home delivery pizza and a couple of beers. Rupert Murdoch has been a back-room king-maker in British politics, such that I'm unsure if many even know the extent to which his media empire influences not just the outcome of elections but the policy that is formed prior to that. I always had the same feelings about the British faux  bereavement of Lady Diana Spencer who ostensibly died because of the hounding of the tabloids and was thus subject to flowers being thrown by the same people who subsequently returned to the tabloids that fuelled the paparazzi chases in the first place.

Adam Curtis is doing something very interesting with BBC archive footage. Rather than just one man doing an excellent job with access to old film, the BBC should open up this national treasure more widely. I understand there is more film of John Allegro who I blogged about the other day which researcher friends of mine are unable to access even though the topic of mycology related subjects is going to mushroom as a theme in the near future. In the mean time please enjoy Mr Curtis doing what he does best on the internet: 

Archive BBC blogging about a character that to my mind profits from the people who most deserve him while staring at the SKY.