Showing posts with label fake alien invasion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fake alien invasion. Show all posts

Sunday 10 February 2013

Archangel Wants A "Team Michael" T Shirt

Alara Blackwell is my favourite experiencer. Easily the hippest. Most of the stuff she talks about will be in Wired Magazine in years to come. I've seen it happen already.

Saturday 26 January 2013

Sandy Hook & Baudrillard

I don't know what the full story is but there's something not right about Sandy Hook and the coincidence theorists can scream and shout and throw tantrums in the mainstream media but the alternative media researchers are standing firm. If you don't have time to conduct an open minded investigation that's understandable but to quote Wittgenstein- Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must pass over in silence".

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Banksy On Lance Armstrong

Everybody is pretending Lance Armstrong is the exception. Actually not. One has to be a sociopath, a liar and a cheat to get to the top of most pyramid like organizations. 

Thursday 30 June 2011

Budd Hopkins - Lecture On the Alien Abduction Phenomenon

I'm confident that if I had come to the subject of alien abduction more than five years ago I'd have rejected it totally, burned out like many finer minds than I, or even more damaging, reached a premature conclusion and developed one of those fixed minds that is too certain for it's own good. Instead I came to the subject with lots of good information and video testimonies on the internet and an awful lot of context, swilling around the planetary hive mind.

I love Terence McKenna's work but it's likely he never took enough DMT to step into the Bardot and his analysis of alien proctologists from Zeta Reticuli prevented me from taking the subject seriously till I'd worked my way through all the safe stuff. So even heroes make mistakes but we can forgive him for not being perfect.

I don't know what the statistics are like now (I hope it's diminished massively) but there's a reason that alien abduction went through the roof after the second world war. The military industrial complex cut a deal in exchange for new alien technology (largely kept away from us) that humans could be experimented on (as long as they were returned with their memories wiped of the ordeal). That may sound fantastic, but just hold that thought in suspension as it's only a matter of time till sunlight is disinfecting the underground bases of the US, UK and Australian cigar chomping military types in the future. There's some very ugly stuff that gets done out of sight.

For now you can listen to Budd Hopkins above who has investigated over 700 cases of alien abduction by 2004 and then you might want to reconsider having some sympathy for people who were not only abducted and experimented on but were largely ridiculed by a society conditioned to react that way by the same media owners who are but an extension of the military complex I mentioned earlier. Are you getting the picture yet?

Sunday 19 June 2011

Faked Alien Invasion Using Lockheed Skunkworks Tech?

Somebody went to a lot of trouble to get the small details right on this. I wouldn't post if it hadn't been for Carol Rosin's explicit warning from Werner Von Braun the former Nazi rocket science brought over to the United States with Project Paperclip.

Have you seen End Scenarios? Worth a gander.