Showing posts with label crop geometry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crop geometry. Show all posts

Saturday 16 April 2011

Metatron & 5D Communications

The above crop geometry is a metatron and part of that 3D to 5D theme that is ubiquitous around the world in crop circles/patterns/geometry. Only a nutter and/or edgy govcorp institutions would still cling on to the silly claim that they were made by amateurs in the evening after a couple of ales.

The crucial part in the Nassim Harramein videos I talked about earlier is located somewhere in the hours and hours of video I just posted so the video above might save you time. It is worth watching if only to ask the question if ET's are ignoring the largest communications aerial in the UK, next to the crop patterns deliberately. Does that mean they don't trust our military and government institutions? That they would prefer to communicate directly to us?

Sunday 3 April 2011

Prejudice Throttles Thinking

Some of you may remember that I believe the crop geometry phenomenon to be a stroke of genius in terms of sustainable media communications. It is my assertion that we shouldn't shoot the messenger because they are a helpful and compassionate sign of impending metamorphosis. I suspect that there is a strong connection to and between sacred geometry and the earth's magnetosphere.

The opening scene of this documentary film touched me a little with early 80's film of a crop circle that appeared not to far from my home in Southampton near the city of Winchester on a route I passed hundreds of times between drives between London and Southampton and back again. It seems to chime that here I am 12000 miles away in Bangkok with footage of familiar and evocative scenes reaching out to me from my home town.

The crop circle phenomenon is multi dimensional. It's a portend of things to come. Be it size, shape, pattern, media, symbolism or geometry they work on so many levels from the alchemical to the scientific. They are the antithesis of corporate logos, masonic  signs and the all pervasive relentless pursuit of profit, carnage and power.

This documentary is directed by academy nominated director William Gazecki of whom Roger Ebert said ""There should be a Pulitzer Prize category specifically created so that film makers like Gazecki can be properly recognized.". I hope it triggers some curiosity in you as the rewards for me have been wilder than I could have ever imagined and intellectually the cleanest breath of fresh air since I can remember.

Monday 14 March 2011

Environmentally Sustainable Communications Media

More strange than the crop circles or crop geometry as I like to call them are the matching beige tops that father and son investigative team are wearing. I do like the information they yield on the efforts by MI5 and military aligned groups to use disinformation because frankly very few people seem to hold a view of mine that the crop communications are very much a brand logo warfare. 

At one level there is plenty of information for ordinary people like us to learn, but at the next level there's more than a hint of 4th dimension and sacred geometry being used to convey that the old 20th century occult and freemasonry symbols that are evident everywhere from the Dollar bill to the Pentagon and the layout of Washington D.C. have had their day. I'll elaborate on that a little more deeply later as from a creative planning perspective it's a genius communications campaign by our galactic messengers. Put it this way, it's unsettled the money grubbing elites an awful lot more than us or the farmers whose fields are used as media. And what a clever sustainable media choice it is.

The documentary is in half a dozen or so parts so keep an eye out for that in Youtube as not all of them are listed sequentially.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Dont Shoot The Messenger

Today's trick question is 'which ones are the magnetic fields and which ones are the crop circles?' OK it's hard to ignore that whatever creates these patterns has a lot of magnetism on their minds and so I'll leave you with just one thought that the second to last one above is another example of sacred geometry but that's a separate post in itself so I wont go into too much detail on it's relationship with the 'flower of life' though I have posted previously on the topic for Marko Rodin's magnificent field work using the same principles.

Saturday 5 March 2011

Crop Geometry Semiotics

It's probably a tricky brief to crack when advertising planners are avoiding the most exciting communication challenge on the planet (sustainable wealth creation) or seemingly refuse to discuss the meaning of 'who or what' briefed the genius creatives that came up with crop geometry. I cant remember what sent me back to the topic, but I did a video search some time ago, and came across a video which had one 'holy fuck' moment for me in terms of coming off the fence as to who or what was creating the phenomenon. I knew it wasn't us.

Apart from quickly learning that the dazzling complexity of recent years is beyond the ability of two men in a pub plotting hoaxes, I came across a largely unknown fact buried in a well made documentary that was so significant it should have made headline news. I've written about manufactured consent before but didn't at that time understand why exopolitical pattern creation could be so dangerous to the strange and largely unknown beasts who shapecontrol and influence mainstream media news.

Very simply the bent crop stalks at fields where crop geometry magically appears overnight within a few hours usually between 2 and 5 am were compared to normal stalks and what you see below is something very important to know. The non control stalks have been subject to such intense heat at the stem nodes that the excess water has swollen the structure and enabled it to bend over without breaking. This can only be done by exposing the crop to electromagnetic frequency range(s). I say plural as we might not know them all but in short it's like say microwaving a field to precise patterns.

So that's science. Not men pulling a prank after a few pints down the pub (though there are a few shoddy attempts at that). It's unidentified electric universe stuff. Over and over again, every time I've investigated anything that's a bit bonkers I've come away with one golden rule and inviolable learning. The people with the firmest convictions and most rigid cognition have done the least research. If you believe that crop circles are man-made, or frivolous, then you haven't done your homework. Take a quick peek at a mosaic below and then go do 15 minutes of Youtube searches/viewing. It's voluminous, well documented, getting more complex each year and the worst aspect is putting up with some questionable taste in music. 

Then when you've got a feel for the range and complexity of it all, you need to watch that documentary I mentioned because that's when I started to put my planning head into action and needed to know what the message was. I wrote at the beginning 'cracking the brief'. That's because it had already been written and the creative already executed. I just didn't know what that brief could possibly be. Let's just say whoops your strategy isn't showing. Which is why it's such genius.

I wont give the game away yet but the most important thing you need to know in the doco is quietly tucked away in such an obvious place that I only realised its importance as I started to write this post.  I've given you a 6 month advantage on where my head was at when I began the exercise. I'll add more evidence and clues in my next post on the subject including the turning point Tesseract shape. 

Good luck. I certainly had a divine hand along the way. Though I often couldn't explain it at the time.