Showing posts with label UK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UK. Show all posts

Monday 13 May 2013

Ken Clarke's Taste In Teenage Cock

I was stunned at how ignorant the Metropolitan Police are in this witness interview. They haven't even done the most rudimentary research of the VIP paedophile rings in politics as detailed in Scallywag and Lord McAlpine's books on how to deceive the media during times of scandal.

Ben Fellows who did that excellent 2012 Olympic journalism work the corporate media ignored till they stole it off him without providing the credit also makes insider revelations here on Celebrity paedophiles with Andrew Lloyd WebberJohnny DeppNicolas Cage, Tom Cruise and Colin Farrell who are outed as rent boy sceners (users, providers and/or boy prostitute talent) with a gruesome description of a celebrity party rape by Dolph Lundgren of a child star of Australian soap Neighbours in front of a group of celebrity voyeurs.

That's right. Celebrities looked on as powerfully built Dolph raped a 13 to 14 year old child star.

Nobody knows if Ken Clarke is a paedophile but we do know the Bilderberg Steering committee chairman took a chance to touch Ben Fellows penis at a time when paedophiles were very much the norm in political and celebrity circles.

Those days are over. They are not going to come back but the rot goes all the way to Buckingham Palace and Downing Street.

The corporate whore media is silent. The police are fucking useless. The British wont face up to reality.

Update: The videos have been taken down (twice now) but I assure you I watched Ben Fellows inform the Metropolitan Police about Ken Clarke and Scotland Yard were the least intelligent people you could imagine.

I understand Ian Puddick is trumpeting Exaro News for breaking the Leon Brittan story. Not only is that inaccurate but it is way too premature for triumphalism.

Senior police, senior spies, senior judiciary, top politicians and senior royals are all involved in the VIP paedophile rings. The establishment have decided to hang Leon Brittan out to roast a little bit. 

He wont go to prison though.

I don't trust Exaro news for smearing Ben Fellows testimony because it relates to David Cameron's role in a paedophile ring coverup.

Sunday 14 April 2013

Galloway Unplugged - A Brilliant Oration On Thatcher

A Brilliant oration. I only wish people knew how little and how ignorant the prearranged leaderships of the major parties are. You will never see the parasite scum leadership of Miliband, Cameron and Clegg do an hour in front of a camera with real storytelling and real humanity. They are puppets. George Galloway is the real thing.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Is Edwina Meshugganah Currie @Edwina_Currie The Mystery Female MP Child Abuser?

Edwina Currie (born Cohen) has refused to respond to my questions online as to why she provided known paedophile and necrophiliac Sir Jimmy Savile with the keys to Broadmoor. In addition we know from her book the following information with respect to her protecting the identity of a known paedophile in Government.

We learn from the courageous David Icke who informed us of Lord McAlpine, Jimmy Savile and Ted Heath's paedophilia the following about Edwina Currie.

Thatcher's government and circle of associates and aides was alive with paedophiles including Chester MP Peter Morrison, a close aide to Thatcher from 1975 to 1990. He was an open-secret paedophile, well known to colleagues, the media and the Chester police, and yet Thatcher and her Cabinet and inner circle did NOTHING while he was abusing boys in North Wales children's homes and elsewhere. Anyone in that Thatcher circle MUST have known. Thatcher minister Edwina Currie wrote in her published diaries:

"One appointment in the recent reshuffle has attracted a lot of gossip and could be very dangerous: Peter Morrison has become the PM's PPS[Parliamentary Private Secretary]. Now he's what they call a 'noted pederast', with a liking for young boys; he admitted as much to [Conservative Party chairman] Norman Tebbit when he became deputy chairman of the party but added' 'However, I'm very discreet' - and he must be! She [Thatcher] either knows and is taking a chance, or doesn't; either way, it's a really dumb move".

By then Morrison had been a close aide for 15 years - What does Currie mean Thatcher may not know?

"[Conservative MP] Teresa Gorman told me this evening (in a taxi coming back from a drinks party at the BBC) that she inherited Morrison's (woman) agent, who claimed to have been offered money to keep quiet about his activities. It scares me as all the press know, and as we get closer to the election someone is going to make trouble, very close to her indeed".

Note that Currie doesn't explain why she didn't go to the police or the media to demand that something be done about Morrison - it is only a case of how his activities could affect her party and the demand therefore that he better be discreet. 

It was Edwina Currie, as a health minister with responsibility for high security hospitals under Health Secretary Kenneth Clarke, who appointed Savile to run a taskforce at Broadmoor in the 1980s which he exploited to abuse patients.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Watch This Banned Clip Before Google Scrub It From The Net

The hated BBC have already censored this fantastic performance by @FrankiBoyle. It wasn't broadcast because the British love the paedophile Royal Family more than truth and Frankie bravely informed the Brits that their comic relief is a tasteless joke when the British are selling weapons to the same countries they then send wankers like Lenny Henry and Rowan Atkinson with his gold Ferrari to raise a few bucks when the big cash is in bullets.

The BBC have conspired to keep the Brits ignorant of what is really go down and anyone who thinks that's a theory is a dick.

Friday 15 February 2013

Why Are The British Comfortably Numb With Sexual Violence?

The British fondness for pornography of violence is largely cultivated by the mass media who punctuate this obscene environment with advertising for Walkers Crisps and Cadbury's Chocolate  So that's OK then.

Sunday 10 February 2013

The Tasteless Joke Called Comic Relief

All big charities are corrupted. That's why they are set up. It's their raison d'etre.

Especially Cancer Research.

Thursday 31 January 2013

The British Labour Party - Led By A Girlyman, Loved By Girlymen

I'm appalled by the effeminate metrosexuals running the Labour party. Where are the men of backbone? 

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Friday 28 December 2012

People Are Saying Jimmy Savile Is Living As A Reptilian In Royal Skin

Intelligent people recognise that I treasure the moral parts of the United States and the United Kingdom. People of limited intelligence assume I'm a hater. Not so. I want a great future for all of us. So does The Artist Taxi Driver.

The Conversation England Can't Have

In all my years on the internet I've never seen anything so tightly suppressed as the banned in UK Documentary "Unlawful Killing". You may not be able to see it or download it but at least you can see the reaction to it from abroad. It will bring down the Windsors if the British people get to see it. Not instantly but certainly with a year or two.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

The Crocodile Tears of Cameron & Obama

Cameron was first off the starting blocks to sell guns to the petro-monarchies crushing the Arab spring and Obama personally oversees double tap child executions by remote drones. He chooses the victims and watches the kills. He does not watch the double tap kills where the US drone murders the people turning up to assist the victims or attend the victim's funerals. He leaves that to the Camp Lemonier drone operators.

What goes around comes around.

Monday 3 December 2012

Lord McAlpine's Taste In Prepubescent Girl Art

Lord McAlpine has for decades been accused of paedophilia in print by Scallywag Magazine and Anti-Paedophile Campaigner and Activist, Mr David Icke. In all these years McAlpine has never sued anyone or publicly rejected their claims. 

In addition to his taste in art (sample above) a picture emerges of him that fits a character who is being protected by the establishment including media figures such as former Times Editor Andrew Neil (Annabells nightclub nutter) and Rupert Murdoch lackey "Dirty Dave" Aaronovitch.

I leave it to you to decide how you interpret the following evidence.

Here is the post that alerted me to McAlpine's taste in prepubescent girl art and photography. Here is a post on the topic by the Aangirfan Blog that is always essential reading and a Twitlonger kindly shared with me just now.

But most importantly are the words of Lord McAlpine himself on how to deceive the media.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Ben Fellows Groped As A '15 Year Old' By Ken Clarke

The podcast associated with this post has been censored.

Full respect to Ben Fellows for coming forward and showing us what kind of people run the United Kingdom. I didn't recognise it at first but it's the same Ben Fellows who broke the G4S Olympics Security Scandal. He is a very credible witness and brings us closer to the power paedophile elite running Westminster. Step by step.

Monday 29 October 2012

The Great British Paedoph - Isles

Three weeks after Savile was outed the British are still being fooled by their corporate media over Royal Connections to paedophiles

The Sun is claiming to be the defender of the people once again  but make no mistake they are silent on the well known child abusers plastered all over the net. 

Top tier power elite paedophiles are hiding behind the endless coverage of Jimmy Savile. Leon Brittan, Ken Clarke and Lord Robertson and Lord McAlpine for example.

Saturday 27 October 2012

The Paedophile Political Power Elite Rabbit Hole

There's a ton of very inside info declared on this podcast (which is also sent to the FBI for reasons that make sense when you listen) but for me it finally changed my mind on the premature declaration by the BBC of Building 7 collapsing on 9/11. I now accept it was scripted. Edwina Currie get's the spotlight on her in this recording.

Well worth listening to from beginning to end. Their web site is here