Wednesday 18 September 2024

Negligible Hierarchical Agenda-Differentials

There's a lot of things we have learned since COVID [CERTIFICATE OF VACCINE ID]. Firstly the pandemic was contrived. I believe a bioweapon with a very narrow target audience was unleashed to trigger fear in the population, but forget my pet theories, it's very clear that most of the danger was a mind virus unleashed by the media and governments. As we gained ground against the messaging, the media straight up told us to stop thinking, give up on facts, refrain from researching and most importantly stay as far away from 'conspiracy researchers' as humanly possible.

We also learned that probably a third of the injections were blanks. Too many people dying straight after the injection(s) is hard to deny if a large group who took the shots were unaffected or didn't suffer from excess deaths.

It's regrettably logical that most people who got the shot(s) are the least likely to do something about it. Either to research the latest protocols against the spike proteins or just talk about it with their doctors and family and friends. That said it's now indisputable the injections were not to save humanity. There's no headlines but as I've demonstrated above, the news is getting out here and there.

My greatest learning was that the plandemic is not the key element of the plan to reduce Earth's population. It's a big part but the largest factor is much more subtle and pernicious. Sure there's excess deaths, nose diving fertility and soaring disease from the injections but the most danger comes from the climate change scam. This is a low priority given the weight of current events but it impacts the population on a greater scale over time.

This is because the corrupt media and government have convinced half the population that climate change requires lower carbon even though CO2 is great for more plants and trees. That's why it's used in commercial greenhouses. CO2 is our friend not our enemy.

They've also persuaded a lot of otherwise rational people that Solar Panels are vital for our future existence. Yet elements of these same people and organisations are also trying to block out the sun.

In addition windpower is deemed to be a core element of our future energy plans when they too are a scam requiring more energy to manufacture using traditional energy and are also impossible to recycle when their time is up.

The blades can't be recycled so they're buried.

The greatest trick at play that falls under the umbrella of climate change is the all out assault on food production as they've also persuaded about half the population that farms and farming, especially animal husbandry are a massive threat to humanity.

The indoctrination is mostly aimed at children through 'education' but the real cowardice is among the scientists who know full well that carbon is life giving but would lose their jobs and houses and comfortable lifestyles if they spoke up. There's a few who also believe the BS but they're not worth communicating to.

Also the regular population has to start calling out this BS because it's still only one prong of a multi anti human strategy embracing cash free, movement free and digitally controlled populations.

If you're not speaking up. You're the problem.