Wednesday 5 April 2023

The Peloponnesian Wars - Thucydides - VoxDay

My father has never acknowledged that I've ever been correct apart from one frivolous occasion a few days after decades of silence I mentioned it to him with a grin on my face. He has many fine and admirable qualities not least of which is his Übermensch quality to work harder and longer than most people, including myself, would consider 'decent not inappropriate' (sic).

He's getting on now (aren't we all) so I look on his curmudgeonly traits warm-heartedly and with humorous thoughts I keep to myself, though I'm careful not to convey that I'm mocking him, despite dropping harsh red pills from time to time and the occasional black pill when cornered.

He freely shares with me that he knows Egyptology is a pack of well-crafted but to the sceptical observer - dissonant lies, fabrications and watered down, milquetoast official history. Parsing that information with other quackademic histories is where I back off. I guess he knows I can talk too much about them so it's probably more discouragement than denying for example that Sasquatch, Yeti and other super-bipedal stories are hard to dismiss when facing endless testimonies on the subject from all around the world.

Last Thursday I dropped by his woodturning business and instead of talking, I suggested he study VoxDay on Jordan Peterson and tapped the url into his laptop. He took one look at Theodore and said to me in pursuit of refutation of my claims that he 'could tell by looking at his face 'that he's a 'bastard'.

Bingo. I had him by the balls.

I learn a lot from VoxDay and am not without internalised critiques, but VoxDay is not a person I would cross. I said 'you're right, he is a bastard'. More accurately he is a Dark Lord. He's also a polymath with a wide-ranging history of professional pursuits and accomplishments. You may recall his cartoon publishing biz, Arktoons, included this globally viral memetic which is the most famous and impossible to find using any search engine. You'll find other Dark Lord cartoon strip images similar to the one below, but not this one and it's also reduced resolution now it's incarcerated in internet gaol.

It took me 45 minutes to find the image above so I'm weary of blogging, this is your lot for the time being.