Monday 13 November 2017

George Takei & The Apocalypse

The Apocalypse means the great unveiling and that's the times a few of us were writing about a some years ago and which we're living in right now.

George Takei is a significant voice on Twitter pressing for progressive liberal values while being particularly critical against Donald Trump.

Yet again we see someone who espouses a set of Hollywood liberal values in public life while having no regard for people when it comes to personal satisfaction. Actually if we listen to the recording above he says that he's a sexual predator for men in his home despite denying it for the last few days.

Howard Stern is crass and obnoxious. He is a primary driver of decay in the United States. 

He needs to be sent to Israel where he belongs.

Saturday 11 November 2017

Stranger Things - Season 1 - Netflix

It's been years since I've touched on the MILABS information. 

Military laboratories used to experiment on humans for mind control, psychic and genetic reasons. A lot of the info is tainted because it's now clear that many MILABS victims were not seeing aliens but being set up to look stupid by the degenerate people who have no regard for human life but do have an interest in discrediting anybody that survives their programs.

Anyway, I somehow just watched and learned that Netflix' Stranger Things is about this subject and it's clear that those Hollywood scriptwriters who used to follow me on Twitter before my account was suspended may well have been tapping into my research, though I suspect that Chris Knowles blog is much more influential in this domain.

I hear Season Two is rubbish but Season 1 is hanging out a lot of information.

Friday 10 November 2017

Lord Polak - Scurrying to Avoid TV Cameras

I'm fairly confident that some aspect of British Intelligence with the help of the PM and Alan Duncan set up Priti Patel.

She's extraordinarily stupid for a cabinet minister as can be seen defending capital punishment here, and is precisely the right kind of character for British traitor Lord Polack, ennobled by David Cameron to sleaze up to and convince her that nothing can touch her.

Well that smug grin just got wiped off her face and above we see Lord Stuart Polak like a rat running for cover somewhere dark.