Thursday 20 July 2017

Does AntiGrav Exist?

Franken Skies - Full Length Documentary - Directors Cut

Southampton Chemtrails 
Southampton Chemtrails

Southampton Chemtrails 

Southampton Chemtrails 

I'm not particularly invested in the Chemtrail subject. Once I learned of it in Asia I put time into observing the skies and saw very little evidence of it in that part of the world, though when I did see it, it was clear the trails had a different quality from the contrails we expect to see from planes. They billow from the rear of the plane as opposed to materialize but it takes a few weeks of observation to discern this.

However, on my return to the UK the thing that has stood out most is the sheer volume of chemtrails in the skies. I have no idea what the spraying program is for though I suspect blocking out the light, for geoengineering purposes is part of the effort as well as possibly spraying humans like cockroaches with barium, aluminium and strontium.

There are very obvious questions to the logistics of spraying the Western world with fine metal particulates on sunny clear days and I don't have all the answer, though I suspect that some trails are an additive to the fuel that were not always included.

The photos above are from Southampton on a clear day near Shirley High Street. Chemtrails are officially described as Geoengineering at UN and CFR presentations.

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Beatrice Dillon & Chris Menist - NTS Radio

Southampton Water and Docks from Weston Shore

There's so much terrific music available on Mixcloud and Soundcloud. I tried out Spotify recently in the last few days, but it seems to peddle the mainstream jokers the Illuminati*  like to push on the consumer classes, and which they call artists.

*Or whatever trash-on-humanity-group controls the popular music business.